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How to prevent shared teams from Advanced Roadmaps from showing up in all JIRA projects?

Chris P_ May 22, 2021

Currently if you make a shared team in Advance Roadmaps it shows up in every project in JIRA, which is painful since the teams are not sorted and you have dozens of teams.


Is there any way to limit the teams shown to a certain project?

Is there any way to sort to the list at least? (then team naming would solve this)


Scriptrunner solutions would be fine, I just can't find any api commands that would allow me to control the options available. 

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Curt Holley
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May 23, 2021

Hi @Chris P_ 

Not sure this is possible (at this stage) and I think the key is in the name "Shared" Teams. The ability to us a team anywhere has advantages, but yes! does mean all teams are always visible from the Picklist.

I'll assume your on Jira Cloud?? (as we are).

What we do is prefix the team names with their Jira projects key. This helps everyone know which project (or ART) the team is part of and groups them all together as (on cloud at least) they show in the picklist in alphabetically order...and of course you can start typing to refine the list. see example below. 


Chris P_ May 24, 2021

We're on JIRA Server, apparently it doesn't sort the names or the prefix solution would be valid.

(still annoying if you have 60+ teams, but not unreasonable if they're sorted as you show)


I'd use a custom field, but the grouping function in Advance Roadmaps doesn't support custom fields. So doing this breaks a bunch of other functionality.

Curt Holley
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May 25, 2021

Right. Those "server compromises" are quite severe (I haven't used AR/Shared Teams on Server).

Unfortunately I think you are stuck, as you are right, AR will only accept the Team field. 

Only idea I can think of that may help is; If you have an automation tool (Scriptrunner/Automation for Jira etc)??

You could at least auto assign most team members to their Team. That way, they rarely have to think about the Team field, as it always adds their Team at creation.

Chris P_ May 25, 2021

Scriptrunner is actually one of the reasons we are sticking with server (and migrating to data center) as Cloud doesn't support a lot of functionality there.

Auto-assignments are a little hazardous when it comes to cross-team stuff so I've kind of avoided trying to figure that one out. Also, not sure where I would store (& maintain) the mappings for 1000+ people.


Was hoping someone had an idea via script to do this, the api right now seems too limited to handle this.

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Curt Holley
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May 25, 2021

Yeah, we do it on Cloud with the built-in Automation for Jira. Which is really simple for people to use. We do it per project and the Scrum masters look after their own teams. 

In other words....spread the load. That said, yes, it does come with maintenance as people move through teams and isn't right for everyone.

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