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How to limit access to commit changes for portfolio plan

Christopher Durden
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May 28, 2019

Receiving an error of unable to commit, you do not have permission to edit issues in this project.


This is for when i am trying to commit changes to a portfolio plan.


Looking at the projects permissions schemes, the user has access to create/edit tickets, so what setting is needed in order to be able to make this change?

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 29, 2019

Hi Christopher,

Per the error message "you do not have permission to edit issues in this project" but the Edit action is not limited to just the Permission Edit issue, but can be part of other actions such as the Assign issues permission when setting an assignee, or the Schedule Issues permission if modifying due dates, and the Manage Sprints permission if you are attempting to add the issue to a sprint, and Link Issues permission if you have added a dependency.

This error is commonly triggered by one of the plan options via the "Commit of Changes" setting being enabled (set to "ON") and not having the assign issues project permission as this is causing an edit conflict where the noted setting is attempting to set the assignee value:

If set to 'On', assigning a single team member to an issue in the plan will also update the issue assignee in JIRA upon committing your changes.

I would recommend checking the fields that are being edited, and making sure that you have permission to complete all the actions within the project.


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