How to create automation rule: If Assignee= X, Team = Y

Maria Jose Villota March 7, 2024

User story: As a Jira user, I want the ability to set up an automation rule that changes the Team field value when the assignee changes, so that I may save time. 

If assignee = X, Team = Y

Context: I have users divided into different Teams and if the assignee of an issue changes, I want Jira to automatically change the Team field as well. For example, Sally is on Team A and if she is the issue's assignee, the Team field value should be Team A. I looked at the Automation options and don't see a way to do this, does anyone know how to do this? 

2 answers

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Bill Sheboy
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March 7, 2024

Hi @Maria Jose Villota -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Is this for a "team" in advanced roadmaps, or something else?

At this time, there is no REST API function to get the team for a specific user for advanced roadmap.  Here is the suggestion to add that:

And so I believe the rule you describe could only be implemented if you hard-coded all of the user and team relationships in the rule.  With only a few dozen users that might not be possible in a rule.  Using a lookup table, up to 300 users could be handled.  Regardless, this would be a difficult rule to maintain.

Kind regards,

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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March 7, 2024

@Maria Jose Villota 

Welcome to the community.  You can setup automation rule using Automation for Jira in your env where when the Team field changes value then update the assignee of the issue.

The triggering event will be "Field value changed", then add in your condition criteria, and finally performs the edit issue action automatically.

Here are the references on Automation for JIra -  (Cloud env) (Data Center on-prems env)  (sample templates of automation rules)

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Maria Jose Villota March 8, 2024

@Joseph Chung Yin Thanks for the warm welcome and for your response!

The automation I'm trying to implement is "when the Assignee value changes, then update the Team field". Not the other way around. It seems like "Team" is not a supported field under Automation so I guess there's no solution to this use case just yet. 

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