How does one enter historical data into Jira Portfolio?

Mark Hetherington June 25, 2015

I have my plan going forwards from the current spring onwards.  The actual product development started 3 sprints ago and I am keen to enter these three historical sprints.   I just tried the most recent sprint first.  

I entered the custom spring for each team.  

I then imported the relevant stories all of which were children of existing and current Epics.  This showed these completed stories in each Epic without a Release, Team or Sprint allocated.  

I then set the earliest start date for all the items in the current sprint to the first day of the current sprint to prevent them being allocated to the historical sprint that had capacity.

I then changed to current release to start from the beginning of the historical sprint.

For each completed story, I allocated the Release, Team and Sprint; this all seemed to work and the Backlog looked fine.

However, when I display the schedule, the completed stories allocated to the historical team sprints do not appear in the display.  The historical sprints show nothing allocated and have full capacity.

I have tried all sorts of things to try and get Portfolio to recognise these items in the Schedules displays but with no success.

How can I get Portfolio to display the historical information correctly?

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Matthew Hunter
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 29, 2015

I replied on your support case, but I'll paste the response here in case anyone else stumbles across this question:

JIRA Portfolio never displays historical stories in the schedule once backlog items are marked as complete. The graphical schedule is forward looking only, the backlog table is the only place that you can see those historical stories.

We've got a feature request open that's similar to the request you're asking for, the ID is [JPO-386|]. Please do vote on it, and if you can comment with your use case that will help our PMs when implementing the changes.

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