How do you link epics and stories in Portfolio?

John Smith April 20, 2017

I'm using a JIRA filter with tasks and stories as the issue soure in my portfolio plan. They're all linked to existing epics. When I go through the plan set up process, it's accurately showing my filter but when the plan gets created, it doesn't show the epics that the stories/tasks are linked to. How can I get all three levels (epic, stories, and tasks) to show up in the plan?

I've also tried using a JIRA filter with just the epics but it's only importing the epics themselves without anything that is underneath them.

1 answer

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Jonathan Laba April 20, 2017




You have to make sure that your Hierarchy is set properly in Portfolio ->Administration

epics above stories.PNG

John Smith April 21, 2017

So do I have to move it around so that it is set up in this order?...

1. Epic

2. Story

3. Task

(this is the hierarchy I use.)

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