How do I set the scheduled start date for an issue or Epic in Portfolio?

Danielle Ranshaw
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April 9, 2017

In Portfolio, I have been able to assign estimated work hours to issues within each epic and I have been able to adjust target start dates and completion dates based on team member availability. When I look at the GANTT chart above the plan (which is grouped usefully by team member) it shows the scheduled start and completion dates for each epic instead of the target start and completion date.  How can I get it to show the target start and completion dates OR how can I update the scheduled start and completion dates to reflect the target dates? I don't seem to be able to adjust the scheduled dates.

Thanks - I'm new to this app and would appreciate your assistance.

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Kim Wall
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 1, 2017

Hi Danielle!

Assuming that you set the Target Start and Target End using the fields exposed on the issues in Portfolio, you should be able to view that information on the schedule. Go to the Schedule settings and choose Target Schedule from the drop-down menu. You'll then see a little "hat" sitting on top of the items in the schedule view that indicates the target start/end times for the item. This allows you to see where things are scheduled relative to their target dates.

Visit Adding Target Dates for more detailed instructions and screenshots.

Hope this helps,


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