How do I get the highest level issues in my hierarchy to show on my portfolio plan?

Linnea Jones-Iniguez
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April 5, 2017

I have a portfolio plan that is showing all of my second level issues as "without Capability" even though most have a parent Capability. None of the Capabilities are showing in the plan. I have checked and they are all in the filter that the plan is sourced from. However, when I try to update the source from the plan none of the capabilities are showing. Any ideas on how I can bring the Capabilities into my plan? 

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Atlassian Team
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May 1, 2017

Hi Linnea,

Have you set up Capabilities in your Hierarchy Configuration as mentioned here ?

Also, is the "Fix version" field visible on your Capability issue type? If it is not present, you may run into the following issue:

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