How do I assign items to the "Later" release?

Russell Stringer November 15, 2017

I have an item in Portfolio that I don't want in any of our currently planned releases.  It's well scoped and I want to keep it, but we're just not ready to plan it's kick-off, so want to put it as a "Later" item.

I see "Later" in my list of releases but can't find a way to assign to Later.  Any advice on how to do this?


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 16, 2017

Hi Russell,

There is no possibility to manually assign issues to the Later release.

I can suggest that you create your own Release with a dynamic start date that you can use for issues that can be worked on later.

Let me know how it goes. 


Russell Stringer November 16, 2017

Thanks for your answer Maja, I'm sure that'll work.  Any plans to allow the possibility to manually assign issues to the Later release going forward?  I'm sure it would be useful to many customers!

Thanks again,


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 16, 2017

You are welcome Russell. 

There is an open suggestion ticket, Allow to assign items to "Later" release to make this available. You can vote on it and add yourself as a watcher to it to receive further updates on it. 


Please also have a look at the [Implementation of New Features Policy|].




Russell Stringer November 16, 2017

Done, Done and Done!  Thanks again Maja!

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