How can I to obtain permissions to create a plan?

Yolani Isabel Beltran Valenzuela August 25, 2022

When I go to the Plans button in Jira I only can see view plans, but I cannot to create a plan for my project. As a Product Owner for the project in Jira named "Loc: Mexico(PSGLBA)" I would like to be able of create a roadmap in order to have more visibility for the team work, deliveries and all planed work for future.

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Pramodh M
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August 25, 2022

Hi @Yolani Isabel Beltran Valenzuela 

Check with your Jira Admin Team to provide you the Advanced Roadmaps User Permission or Permission to a specific Plan to edit it

Advanced Roadmaps User Permission to Create, Edit and View all the Plans


Specific Plan Permission to edit the Plan

Specific Plan Permission.png


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