How can I see who created a Plan?

Esther Strom
Community Leader
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June 2, 2022

As a site admin, how can I see who created each plan? The list of plans on our site is getting out of hand, and I suspect that many of them were created simply as experiments and then abandoned. I can't just delete those, though, without getting the OK from whoever created them.

When I create plans, by default I'm added as the Lead, but as you can see from the screenshot, many of our plans don't have a lead. I'm not sure how that happens, but I can't rely on that information being there.

2022-06-02 11_10_18-Plans - Jira.png

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Curt Holley
Community Leader
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June 6, 2022

Hey @Esther Strom 

Good question and frankly one I'm uncertain of an answer to.
As for the population of the "lead", I've just had a look around and my guess is, this auto adding of the creator as "Lead" is new, as I am marked as lead of about 6 plans...the latest ones I've created. Older ones I know I created, the Lead is blank.

Not helpful, I realise. But just thought I advise of my findings.

Morten Stensgaard
September 21, 2022

Exact same issue here on Jira On-Prem (Datacenter)

No way of identifying "When" and "Who" in Advanced Roadmaps.

Looks like "Lead" is a Cloud Only functionality(once again!)

@Esther Strom In our use case, we do not use Programs - So we put all in a 2022 Program and then review them yearly and roll/remap them to new Program 2023.

Any Plan that we suspect is not actively used, is then moved to a Under Decom-Program where we set permissions to System-admins only.

If no-one complaints within 3 months, we delete the plan.

Shitty manual procedure - But it works

-Last updated timestamp
+Have an Automation rule that reminds Plan Lead to review/update/delete their Program/Plans every x months since Last update.

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