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Hide columns in Advanced Roadmaps

Laurie Huth November 2, 2022

Am I able to hide any of the columns on the left side in Advanced Roadmaps? It seems I can only customize the right side of the line. For example, can I hide or remove:

  • the first column, "#'
  • the actual Jira issue number (but still get a clickable link to access ticket)

Screenshot 2022-11-02 193147.png


2 answers

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Hamza Chundrigar
Rising Star
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November 2, 2022

Hi @Laurie Huth 

I've used Advanced Roadmap for Jira Cloud for the most part (as opposed to the server version) but I believe this holds to be true for both.

As far as I know, you cannot hide/remove the # column nor the Jira Issue Column. (Although I'm curious to know why that might be a use-case of yours).

To remove a column, a user would have to select the 'X'next to the field in the Fields menu, which to your point consists of fields to the right side of the line

image 1.png



Laurie Huth November 2, 2022

Much appreciated! 

1 vote
Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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November 2, 2022

@Laurie Huth -

I agreed with @Hamza Chundrigar stated, AR for Jira plan view you cannot removed/hide the # and Issue Key field, as those are system default for the product.

What is your reasoning or need to hide those two fields?  Please share with us your thought.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Laurie Huth November 2, 2022

Thanks for the reply.

Reason: The team I am building this for wants a more streamlined (i.e., less busy) look - with less columns of information. 

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