Fill parent link field by api or script

Thomas Hoffmann
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June 7, 2017

We build up a issue type hiearchy with linking three types by our own. The three types are Project - Change Requests - Task. We are using two link types. Now we decide to use portfolio. But we don't want to change our current kind of how we build our hierachy.

We evalutate options how to 'syncronize' portfolio (using parent link) and our kind of relationship functionality. 

For instance, we create a new issue and link that to an existing one. This hierachy (by linking) will not recognized by portfolio, so we need to fill in the parent link field (from portfolio) too. 

Is it possible to fill in the parent link field without being at portfolio view and (re)do it manually?

Thanks in advance


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Tarun Sapra
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June 7, 2017

Hello Thomas,

It's a custom field, you can add it on the "edit screen" of the issue and manually enter the issue key from drop-down that appears. 

This, should also be doable using REST APIs as it's a custom field and if you note down the cusotm field id then you can update it via REST API. 

Thomas Hoffmann
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 7, 2017

Thank you very much, but we found out that this field have a custom format which prevents from updating via mentioned ways.

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