Create a plan for specific initiatives and it's children

Max Boerma April 4, 2024

At my work we've created a top 25 companywide projects that we'll be working on. I want to make a plan with just these in it. Is there an easy way to get just those initiatives in there with their child issues.

There are a couple of things that didn't work for me. 

1) Adding all projects as issue sources and then remove the ones I don't need. This will only work if I keep on removing all issues because new issues would just get added.
2) Filters. This could be me being bad with filters. But I couldn't find a way to get these specific initiatives and it's children in a filter together. I'd prefer not to use labels etc for this because they need to be maintained for new stories that fall under these initiatives.
3) Manually add issues. I couldn't find a way to let me manually add these 25 initiatives to a plan.

All help would be appreciated!

2 answers

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Mark Segall
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April 4, 2024

Hi @Max Boerma - This is possible through option 2 using a query like this:

issue in portfolioChildIssuesOf(ABC-1) OR issue in portfolioChildIssuesOf(ABC-2) OR issue in portfolioChildIssuesOf(ABC-3)...

The one caveat to using a filter as your base is that you will not be able to use the roll up functionality such as having the epics and above reflect timelines based upon the sprint assignments of the child stories.  If you want that as well, I would recommend creating a scrum board based upon the filter you create and then using that board as your plan source.

Note - If you want a source filter that's more dynamic, you could invest in a marketplace app that offers JQL extensions.  This would allow a more efficient way of querying for the initiatives.

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Charlotte Santos -Appfire-
Rising Star
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April 4, 2024

Hi @Max Boerma 

I’m Charlotte, a support engineer at Appfire and I’m here to help you.

Unfortunately, natively, you’ll not be able to do it dynamically.

In the app where my team works, JQL Search Extensions for Jira, you can use this query to get all initiatives and their children from specific projects:

issue in parentsOfIssuesInQuery("project in (ABC, DEF, GHI) AND type=Epic") OR issue in childrenOfIssuesInQuery("project in (ABC, DEF, GHI) AND type=Initiative")

Please contact our support if you have any other questions about this query.

We’ll be happy to help you!

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