Colaborating on Features with Customers

Tomasz Guja
January 17, 2018


Currently we are  using JIRA Software and SD. I'm just testing the Portoflio and I have question. Obviously by SD I can gather customer suggestions, create linked tickets for dev projects and than manage releases from Portfolio. 


But is there a way to:

  • for customers to raise some suggestions (for example by e-mail) that will land to some set to Portfolio so that the Product Owner can review them and assign them properly?
  • for customers to be able to see some portfolio road map (without spending JIRA paid license for them)


Basically what I consider is to replace the ProductBoard product by some Atlassian solutions, but I have to be sure that the basic feature set can be replaced. 


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 21, 2018

Hi @Tomasz Guja,


  • Portfolio plan are based on issue sources (Project, Boards, JQL) which means as long as this issue source captures the suggestion then those would show up in your Portfolio Plan.
  • Portfolio permissions work based on Jira user groups which would not allow you to define an Anonymous access. It would be possible to build on top of the Portfolio export function but that would require some effort on your side. Portfolio Server latest version includes an IssueInPlan JQL function that would allow you to use the JIRA search API to expose the suggestions.




Tomasz Guja
January 22, 2018

Thanks @Thomas. But unfortunately this is quite bad news, as this means it's limit rather to internal usage only, when ProductBoard which we are using also works partly for customers. I really wish Atlassian will develop Portfolio for this area, so it looks like nice but basic tool.


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