Capacity planning across plans

Marc Dzierzawa March 6, 2018


we want to use portolfio for capacity planning of the different developers. Is the capacity planning also working across different porfolio plans?

For example a developer is planned for project1 and also for project2. There are 2 portfolio plans, one for each project. If developer is now planned for week1 in project1, is portfolio planning project2 so that developer is busy for week1 because of project1?

If this is not working, how can this be accomplished (besides using one portfolio plan for both projects)?

1 answer

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kb March 17, 2018

As far as I can tell, this does not even work in one plan across different projects (if the person is allocated to two concurrent projects.)  Global teams only seems to save you from having to enter things like absences for each team the person is on.

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