I am trying to create multiple issues through my post function. I would like to assign teams for these issues through the transition screen.I am using nFeed add-on to fetch the team title and team ID and they are assigned to custom fields that i created.
During the transition, user simply selects the team name from an nFeed drop down list (list of teams fetched from SQL). nFeed looks at the "jiraschema.AO_82B313_TEAM" table in SQL and assigns the selected teams ID into another custom field(e.g. cf_12417). This seems to fetch the data correctly and displays the ID number.
However when i try to assign the ID in my custom field to the "Team" custom field (cf_12400) of portfolio it does not assign and nothing happens. Furthermore when i enter the team ID manually everything works fine and the team is selected correctly.
So to sum if up during create issue post function ;
nfeed field below with the value 6 inside does not work
Set custom field: 12400, Value: %customfield_12417%
While manual entry of team ID below works fine
Set custom field: 12400, Value: 6