Can I edit multiple sprint dates at one time

Charlotte Pelz August 12, 2021


I set up multiple sprints to map out a large body of work.  I want to push back all the dates by two weeks.  In other words, I want to insert a sprint in front of all of the sprints I created.  Is this possible without having to open each future sprint and manually editing the dates?

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Brittany Wispell
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August 12, 2021

Hey @Charlotte Pelz 

I found a few references Edit multiple issues in bulk.

I did a quick test in my own instance and found that you can only update the Sprint field value. 

If you create the new sprints with the new date you can then bulk update the issues into the new sprints. 

I hope this helps a bit. 

Let me know if you have further questions. 


Charlotte Pelz August 16, 2021

Thanks, Brittany.

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