Auto-calculate finish date of a task/story

Lexi Meadows
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September 13, 2022

In Jira Advanced roadmaps, is there a way to have the plan auto-calculate or set the finish date of a task or story?

For example,

  • ID-1: Start date (or target start date) is set to 9/13/2022 and estimate in days = 5d.
    • Can JIRA set the Target end date = 9/13/2022 + 5d (Mon-Friday)?
  • ID-2: set dependency that ID 2 is blocked by ID1.
    • Can JIRA auto-calculate the Target start date of ID-2 = ID-1 Target end date?

This is very common functionality to a tool like Microsoft Project.

The goal is to not have to manually calculate dependency date changes even when the issues don't roll up to the same parent. 

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