Assign issues to calculated sprints in jira not working

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October 4, 2018



I use Portfolio 2.17. We have calculated fix versions and calculated sprints on most of our stories and epics. 

We want to propagate this back to jira. I followed the "Assigning issues to sprints":

From Scope view: I see I can manually re-select the calculated sprint value. This is a high effort for each and every story or epic. Seems not to be practical.


From Timeline view: 

The sprint is in jira, issue as well. Each story is only in one sprint, issues are not already assigned to sprint, calculate is done etc.

If I click in the timeline to the sprint, I can see the statistic free capacity, planned capacity, capacity utilization, but I can't see the assign 2 calculated issues.



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Glen Schumacher
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I'm New Here
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November 6, 2018

Hello, I had this same problem.  You need to have the schedule settings (the little gear icon in the upper right corner) set to group by team or person.  You should be able to sync back to JIRA then.  I have no idea why this is needed, but it works!

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