Adding multiple boards ignores Portfolio rank order

Margaret Trinh July 25, 2017

So I have one board/filter that only shows Epics and I use that to rank and prioritize the epics. If I add that Epic into Portfolio, the ranking and ordering show up perfectly.


The problem here is that the underlying Stories (with the assignees) do not appear in Portfolio, so I altered the issue source and added in a filter that include Stories as well. The Stories board has ranking turned off, so it's not conflicting. When I add in the Stories board, Portfolio suddenly ignores the ranking and it's all out of order. 


What am I doing wrong??

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Atlassian Team
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August 7, 2017

Hi Margaret,

I believe the answer you're looking for can be found in the thread titled Epic Ranking in Portfolio 2.0:


The rank from Portfolio should generally be represented on the JIRA board, however there are some differences in epic rank behaviour between Portfolio and JIRA which can cause epics to be inconsistent. This is because the rank of epics in JIRA are independent to the rank of stories whereas in Portfolio the rank of stories and epics directly impact each other.
The main contributors to inconsistent rank behaviour between JIRA & Portfolio are:
  • In Portfolio the highest ranking child issue of an epic determines that epic’s rank relative to other epics.
  • In Portfolio re-ranking the epic also bulk re-ranks all the child stories.
We recognise that this isn't optimal behaviour but it’s a necessary trade-off for the intended use of Portfolio and the integration with JIRA
Please take a look at the full thread and see if the proposed workarounds by Rhys Christian work for you.

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