5000 issue limit in Portfolio includes what?

Nicole Neunhoeffer October 30, 2017

I understand there currently is a limit for loading 5,000 issues into a portfolio plan. Also saw that a corresponding feature request for increasing this limit has already been created (https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JPOSERVER-1671).

While I am hoping that the feature request is being worked upon, I am wondering which issue types count into this limit. Would all the subtasks created for stories also count into the limit of 5000, for instance? I feel, in this case, we could be reaching the limit too soon. Or is it only initiatives, epics, and stories? Please advise.

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Chelsea C
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 3, 2017

Please see this thread for a way to work within this limit.


As for if/when a change to this limit would be deployed, our Agile approach to development means we're not able to provide long-term specifics on the product roadmap, but we do provide documentation on the factors we consider for new feature implementation: Implementation of New Features Policy

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