How to add existing issues to portfolio plan below story/epic level

Abdullah Bakhach
March 21, 2018

I'm using portfolio for jira (\).. and everything is working great in my first plan, however it seems that i cannot add existing issues under my epics as part of the plan.

see an image illustrating the problem here 2018 Q2 - Portfolio for Jira - JIRA 2018-03-22 08-17-14.png 2018-03-22 08-34-55.png


how can I make that happen?

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Atlassian Team
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April 11, 2018

Hi Abdullah,

This question has been answered through (, but I'll add the answers here as reference for other users who might have the same problem,  :)

Some of the Epic Childs are in "Done state" hence it won't be shown by default (unless you make some changes in the Portfolio filter). The definition "Done/Complete" issues here are those statuses that are in Done Category:
- https://<Instance URL>/secure/admin/ViewStatuses.jspa

As for the other issues that are not "Done" yet, you can re-include them back by following these steps:

  • Navigate to the plan configuration > Sources: https://<Instance URL>/secure/PortfolioPlanView.jspa?id=<Plan ID>&sid=#settings/sources
  • Edit Sources > Next > Next > find the missing issues and tick them (just hover your mouse in each of the issues and you will see tick box)
  • Repeat the above for any issues that you want to show in the plan
  • Done
Kashyap K
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December 24, 2019

This sounds overly convulted solution. It would be good to have feature to just punch in issue key to show up on the plan.

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August 23, 2020

but i still see that there is an intermittent issue while doing the above process. It doesnt get RE ADDED again. I believe ATLASSIAN is aware of this BUG.

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