Difference between Schedule and Target schedule

Murali G
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June 5, 2019

Can you help me to find the difference between "Schedule" and "Target Schedule" view.

2 answers

4 votes
Jovanna Pugh
June 6, 2019

The 'Schedule' view is the actual schedule, based on the dates of the sprints you have your cards in.  'Target Schedule' utilizes the optional 'Target Start' and 'Target Due Date' fields on Stories & Epics in Portfolio.  If you use these fields, the 'Target Schedule' view will show you the variance between work was planned (Target Start & End) vs. when it was completed (Actual Start & End).

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 11, 2020

How many date inputs are there for Jira? (I'm typing this out for my own sanity for anyone to comment on)

  1. Estimated: this is a range input that's measured against the work log
  2. Planned: these are calendar inputs to determine the time work starts and ends
  3. Target: this is a more specific input created in Jira Portfolio by the assignee
  4. Due: this is an input by the reporter that has a hard deadline
  5. Actual (opened to closed?) I think this input is generated when the issue is placed in progress and is then measured to the close of it.

I sort of see them as levels of intensity.  My experience is that no one really cares about the "estimated", unless the team is really attentive, but then administration maintenance concerns creep into thoughts meant for development / productivity.  This isn't to say "estimated" is bad, just not always used.

"Planned", "Target" and "Due" are the most valuable and "Actual" is a passive input that feeds the burn down charts (?).

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