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What date-format to use in issueFunction expression?

David Jansson April 24, 2017


I've tried several different date-formats in the following filter with no luck.
Any advise?

issueFunction in expression("resolution = Unresolved", "today+remainingestimate > 2017-05-01")


Adding a custom date field is very impractical, I would have to update all potential issues with the specific date. (but it returns the expected resultset).

issueFunction in expression("resolution = Unresolved", "today+remainingestimate > myCFdate")


/David Jansson

2 answers

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Jonny Carter
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 26, 2017

One workaround might be to have one of your JIRA admins add a scripted field that calculates the current date plus the remaining estimate and returns a date. Then you could use dateCompare.

The scripted field would have code along the lines of

import groovy.time.TimeCategory

def today = new Date()
def remainingEstimate = issue.getEstimate()
def calculatedDate
use (TimeCategory) {
    calculatedDate = today + remainingEstimate.milliseconds
return calculatedDate

Then the JQL would be

issueFunction in dateCompare("resolution = Unresolved", "'Current date plus resolution scripted field' > 2017-05-01")

Just replace 'Current date plus resolution scripted field' with the actual name of your scripted field.

Make sure to use a datetime searcher and template when setting up your script field.

0 votes
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 25, 2017

Hi David,


Unfortunately what you are trying to do is not really possible at the moment. 

Please refer to your Adaptavist support ticket for more information.



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