We test the Add-On "Bitbucket for Confluence" with Confluence and Bitbucket Datacenter Server. All works fine but the display/listing of open Pull Requests. What do we wrong? Or is there a bug? &nb...
I've installed "Include Bitbucket for Confluence" on our Bitbucket Premium / Confluence Cloud pairing. I am able to access commit history for repos but I seem to be pretty limited in how I can presen...
Hi, I have a query about Bitbucket for Confluence. If we wish to have code snippets or readme files visible on Confluence do we need the app to be installed for all the users? i.e., say, Ther...
I have a Confluence page (specifically a Blog Post) that uses both the Code Block macro and the Bitbucket File macro from Include Bitbucket for Confluence. If either or both macros have the "Collapsi...
When we added the OATH Consumer Settings for Include Bitbucket for Confluence Cloud, we either see the User/Team Name disappear after added, OR when we try to add the OATH credentials we get a messag...
The Include Bitbucket Server for Confluence comes with the ability to show the PR's of a repository. This might be a handy feature, though it's not wide enough for me and HPU as a whole. To be...
Hi. We have Stash 3.7.1 here, and we use the plugin "Include Stash for Confluence". When I include a ".java" file in a page with this plugin syntax highlighting is OK, as when the file is sh...
Hi! We have created a link between stash and confluence, an dusing Stash include macro. It works perfectly fine for some users, however when one of the team member tries to authorize the link...
Not sure what I amd doing worng: Yet the link has been configured: Any ideas?
Hi! For new 'include stash for confluence' plugin I created an application link between the 'Confluence Space' and a 'Stash project' and added macros, works fine till here. However when my team mem...
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