Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I think I'm just as excited today as my son is that I get to join his class as a parent volunteer on their trip to the local butterfly conservatory.
This got me thinking about a number of the class field trips I went on when I was younger, and which ones I found to be the most impactful.
So my question for everyone this week, Did you ever go on class trips when you were younger? If so, what was your favorite?
For me, it was our grade 8 graduation trip. We spent a week at a Summer camp in Northern Ontario. There were lots of activities, the scenery was beautiful and we all had a lot of fun.
I'd love to hear about your own experiences! Please share them below in the comments!
I hope you all have a great rest of the week!
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:( That sucks @Patrick Prakash ! If you could create a field trip for all those who had a similar "School & COVID messed up my trips" experience, what would it be? I know there are many who have had a similar experience.
Agreed! Sorry to hear that @Patrick Prakash. But, I do agree with @Nicole Christensen, I'd love to hear what your ideal trip would look like.
@Nicole Christensen @Jimmy Seddon If I'm in control of planning a field trip for all the "School & COVID messed up my trips" people, it will be a hell of a trip! ;). We will choose a place that is calm and cozy with greeny. The trip will be a week long with no phone, no socials, or work. We will go mountaineering, and do some adventure sports like (scuba diving, and kayaking). Beaches will be on the list, Plans will change as we travel, mostly they will be unplanned, cause unplanned trips are always the best and most memorable.
@Patrick Prakash that sounds like a wonderful trip. I would totally jump on that one! My life during COVID was not exactly the best as we lost so many family members. Not all due to COVID, but life in general. I missed my years of going to Montego Bay, Jamaica and living on the beach for a week. Some days I am tempted to just schedule a trip and walk away for a bit.
@Nicole Christensen @ Sorry to hear that. Yes, We all need to take a break at some point of time in our life. I hope the Atlassian community will organize a field trip for community members. :)
The best field trip I ever went on was a week long trip to a local camp. The entire grade went for the week. We learned survival techniques, tracking practices, got to experience nature, etc. It would have been better without the people who make everything at school a crappy experience, but overall, I would love to do the same with my family now.
That sounds awesome @Nicole Christensen and very similar to my own experience!
I'm old.
School was a long time ago.
My kids are old their school was a long time ago...
My grandson graduated high school this year.....
Does a meet and greet in 2018 with ZZ Top count??
And yes I was star struck... I'm standing beside Billy Gibbons frozen like a deer in the headlights.....
My wife on the other hand was having a great laugh with Dusty Hill
LOL enjoy your day everyone.
OMG! @Craig Nodwell that 100% counts and I'm extremely jealous you had that opportunity!
@Meriem Naim I'm sorry to hear that. If you could take a day trip anywhere local, where would you want to go?
Our French Club in High School took a trip to the big city (Nashville) (we lived in a city of about 18,000) to eat at a nice French restaurant and then to see the first Star Wars movie - in the theater! Yes, I am old.
That sounds awesome @John Funk!
About as cool as high school gets. haha
We aren't old, just seasoned!
When I was in 7th grade in Michigan, our Science teacher organized a trip to the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant in Wisconsin. It was such a cool opportunity my Dad was even excited to tag along as a parent volunteer. I was fascinated by both the technology and potential...so much so that while in college I took a Nuclear Engineering class.
My favorite field trip was to White Sands National Park in middle school. My father was in the Air Force and stationed at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico. I took many field trips to White Sands and I loved every one of them! The sand is so silky and white! It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to!
Being spotted as a bit of a geek quite young, it's hard to choose from the favourite 2.5. (The .5 is because one trip wasn't really a school trip). The options are
ECMWF in Reading. Not really a "school trip" - one of my friend's fathers took a few of the computer clubs kids (his son's friends) around bits of it, just after they got their nice new Cray II supercomputers installed.
Nice topic, @Jimmy Seddon !
I have not been to many class trips during my school and college days, but out of the few that I went to, my favorite was our class/grade 8 trip to an amusement park named "Fun City" near the city of Chandigarh (India), which was recently opened then.
It was my first ever trip to such a large sized amusement park with so many new rides for me. All of my friends and I had a great fun time there and I still remember my first ever ride there, named "Razzle Dazzle" that made me dizzy for almost 10 minutes.
Overall, it was a great trip and I had great memories together with my classmates!
Have a great Wednesday and rest of the week, everyone!