Happy Wednesday Everyone!
It's been a while since we talked about pets! Let's fill this thread with all your wonderful pet photos! New ones encouraged, all accepted!
Here is my pair:
On the left is a Huskey X Shiba Inu cross named Spirit, who is 10 years old.
On the right is a Border Collie X Australian Kelpie cross named Tana, who is 11 years old.
We adopted both of them from the humane society (at different times) and they have been absolutely wonderful. We had them in the house before we had both of our kids and they have been extremely tolerant of infant & toddler mannerisms.
Have a great rest of the week!
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I loved your post! 🤩
It's so generous and lovely to adopt! 🙏🏽
We do the same (always).
Look, this is Benjamin, choosing his favorite flavor of cake!❤️ ❤️ ❤️
So adorable @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro! Thanks for sharing! He got both right? ;)
My pleasure @Jimmy Seddon
Thank you, Benjamin appreciated that. And yes, he got both flavors! 😃😄🐶😅
Morty (Morticia) has a wool pad in the bookcase right next to my keyboard, which she uses when I'm gaming or working at my desk.
She must LOVE that so much. Looks so comfy and cosy!!!
Agreed! That looks very comfortable, and a Cloudie for a pillow!
Totally! ⛅️ 😴
Most cats: Oh, I'm good with anything, thanks.
Nic's cat: That Cloudie, give it... is mine now.
Yeah, she often "helps" me open parcels, just in case there is something she wants in them. Like a Cloudie ;-)
Show off my pet AND spam everyone once again with my TikTok Shameless Self Promotion...!?!?
LOL @Fun Man Andy! That's hilarious! Also I suspect your cat wants to murder you in your sleep ;)
Hahaha. Maybe. But she can't complain about the amount of snacks she got that morning for being such a good (unwilling) girl! 😝
Andy and Maggie.
Love this Scott! They look very proper.
@Jimmy Seddon No Pets to share! I thought about posting a picture of my 5 children, but my wife was not a fan of that idea.
No worries Andy! I'm sure we'll have a topic you can contribute to in the future.
Your wife and I are totally not on the same page.... @Andy Gladstone
I had had the very same initial thought.
And also not shared for the same reason. The Boss would not have approved! 😆
@Fun Man Andy I prefer to be Live_Man_Andy, so I run these types of things by my wife first!
Yeah... I hear that!!! 💀 🏴☠️ 👏
Long live the Andys!!!
(You know the movie Hot Fuzz?)
Hot Fuzz is amazing!
Looks like something I'll need to check out!
@Jimmy Seddon I love such posts as I love pets, but unfortunately, I never kept any since I came to US. It is partly because I have always lived in apartments where pets were either not allowed or there was not enough space for pets.
Anyway, I am loving the pet pics shared here and waiting for more to see. They are always our best unconditional friends.
I appreciate that you want to make sure you have the right environment for a pet. I'm sorry you aren't able to have one now, hopefully that will change in the future.
I love it when people really think through how other animals might fit into their life. It shows care and empathy.
I live with cats, they work well with commuters like me. I would love to have a dog, but my lifestyle would be horrid for them (cats don't care if I **** off to London daily for 14 hours, as long as they get some fuss when I get home. The dog, different story)
@Taranjeet Singh - it sounds like you have thought carefully about having a pet and you can't do it at this time. That's fine, you're not in the right place.
The rare occasion I let them take over MY bed, they have five of their own!
My girls. Yes there is a lot of girl drama in the house! 🤪❤️🐾
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