Happy Friday, Community!
For this week, I'd love to hear about your weekend plans! Are you a weekend warrior who moves more, fixes stuff around the house, and plans all sorts of fun activities? Or are you the opposite and fill your weekend with restful activities?
Where I live, the weather is starting to warm up and the desire to do some spring cleaning is strong. 🧹 However, we're heading down to Chicago to catch Beetlejuice (the Musical!)
Have fun, @Kayla Baack! Definitely looking forward to showing them the green river. I don't think we've been down there with the kids when it was green!
Thanks for the topic @Amanda Barber
This weekend will be simple:
Taxi driver to take my daughter to her gymnastics class
Taxi driver to take my daughter to her cousin's birthday party
Taxi driver to take my daughter's swimming lessons
Taxi driver to take my daughter to her friend's house for a playdate
I can SO relate to this type of weekend, @Stephen_Lugton! 🚕
It's March Madness time in the US for college basketball. I will be watching the SEC Tournament and cheering on the alma mater of both my boys, Auburn University. War Eagle!!
Yay, enjoy, @John Funk! I kind of lost sight of March Madness this year. My last company did a little March Madness bracket challenge, but my new one does not. When I was a teacher, we always did a bracket for "Battle of the Books" this month which was super fun, too. I'll have to create a bracket today for fun!
It's still conference tournaments right now. The NCAA bracket won't get set until Sunday evening. We should create an Atlassian Community league :-)
Awesome!! Maybe @Monique vdB will donate some Atlassian swag for the winners!!
For me:
Sounds like a fun weekend!
My weekend:
Yesterday's weather really made me want to do some cleaning! Today's made me want to watch movies by the fire all day. :-D
100% weekend warrior (when I want to be).
I am too busy during the week to do any home maintenance or projects that involve more than cleaning up the current mess in an area of the house. Weekends are for the big tasks, and as the weather improves in the Northeast US, those projects will take me from inside to outside. Not that I am super handy - because I am not - but I do enjoy the incremental improvements and ticks off of my checklists.
Weekends are generally when I get my longer bicycle rides in. Although I really do enjoy being on Zwift indoors in the winter, I cannot wait to get out in to the fresh spring air with the bike and our local cycling club for some fun miles and smiles!
I usually try to do every single piece of housework on the weekend, and I usually end up feeling more tired than I am after the entire workweek.
But there is one rule at home, and that is the Sunday hike. If the weather is good and there are no events or commitments, I try to spend the day surrounded by nature. It gives me some clarity and peace of mind for the upcoming new week.
On Sunday evening, I prepare meals for the next two to three days and try to start the workweek with less pressing actions.