Good morning ☕️,
weekly dose of caffeine and Atlassian news is here!
This week we've got an announcement of a new secret release management group 🤫, improvements to create linked issues in Jira, plenty of ecosystem acquisitions, and a reminder to join the first Appy hours of this year!
We run Monday coffee with Jexo podcast weekly on Youtube and Spotify, subscribe so you don't miss the next episode!
Changes to Create Linked Issues
The Create linked issue screen in Issue view & Advanced issue search will now base its configuration on the screen scheme of that project and issue type. You'll now be able to see optional fields, reorder fields, and use features like the request type field on Jira Service Management projects.
New Software Release Community
If you're a release manager or involved in any way with software releases you might be interested in joining this group. Atlassian wants to understand your software release processes and share with you ideas about the topic.
Join for the next Appy Hours on January 26th at 9 am PST to see 4 Jira app vendors demo their analytics & reporting apps. Presenters include Old Street Solutions, Mindpro, Appfire, and Screenful.
Last week was full of acquisition announcements in the partner ecosystem 👇
Valiantys + kreuzwerker Consulting
Appfire + Service Rocket Apps
Cprime Announces Acquisition
Find this week's events on 👉 Events roundup
Atlassian in The Forrester Wave
In the latest Forrester's 2022 Wave report, Atlassian has been recognized as a Strong Performer among Collaborative Work Management (CWM) providers. The report evaluated Atlassian and 12 other vendors against 30 criteria and the company received the highest score possible in six criteria: Integration Capabilities, Marketplace availability, and Support for products and services.
I hope you enjoyed the news. See you next week! 👋
Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
Lead Product Manager
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