Throwback Thursday: Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? #TBT

It's Thursday!
Alright peeps, let's spice it up :)
Helga Laufey and I tried to go steady three times during our pre-adult years. I think the first time was when we were 8. We were in the same class together, below is a class picture of sitting side by side, from age 6 to 16. I wrote a heart on the back of my hand when I was 8 and inside of my hand I wrote an H. She also had a heart on the back of her hand. On the way from school, I asked what she had written on the inside. It was a K! Didn't last too long. 
Then we tried again around 12 years old and one more time when we are around 15. But now, we are good friends and when I am in Iceland, I tried to visit her and her husband :) We both just laugh about it. Good memories. I somehow associate these puppy love memories with spring and summer, don't know why...
KGM Helga Laufey Þórsmörk sennilega 1989.jpg
Soooo, who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Bonus point: from what movie is the gif from?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!



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Dan Breyen
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March 23, 2023

Sixteen Candles is the movie!  Sorry, some people might take offense to the characters name.  Let's just say LDD.  With a young Molly Ringwald & Anthony Michael Hall.  

First girlfriend was my wife of 28 years.  

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Sue Wilson
March 23, 2023

My 1st boyfriend was my middle school science teacher's son.  We were about 12 at the time.  He would come to our school when his was closed, came to our school dances when his dad chaperoned; we would dance and hang out all evening.  Back then, it was long distance to call each other, so we were only allowed to talk on the phone once a week for 15 minutes (if we could find that much to talk about LOL).  We even passed notes back and forth through his father sometimes.  It didn't last though.  Most long distance relationships don't.  LOL  Oh, the adorable childhood 1st crush!!  <3 

BUT, it was my 2nd boyfriend that made an impact on me and future dating!  We met at 14, went to the same school, were neighbors, hung out ALL the time when we weren't in school.  But, life happened and our families went their separate ways, breaking up that 'relationship' in the process.  Fast forward about 40 years, and we reconnected through Facebook of all places.  After a couple years of reconnecting and getting to know each other again, I am happy to say, I married my high school sweetheart!  <3 

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Andy Gladstone
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March 23, 2023

@Kristján Geir Mathiesen 🌶️ indeed! I’m happily married for 23+ years to my high school sweetheart, so I won’t post publicly about any previous girlfriends so it can remain a happy marriage! As I say, what’s important is not whether she was the first but she was the last!

I can post about my first crush though. I was in 1st grade when a family moved across the street and one house over. They had a daughter a year older than me and I was smitten. The neighbors still joke with me almost 40 years later telling me stories about my 6 year old self saying ‘Isn’t Colleen the most beautiful girl in the world’? I have no idea what Atari Game or Cartoon inspired me to be such a romantic at that age…

As we grew up we always had a friendship, but ultimately her younger brother became one of my best friends when we were young, so there was no way she and I would ever date. 

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G subramanyam
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March 23, 2023

Aha! What a 😍 topic for #TBT. There was one and only one deep crush (one-sided, to be precise) in my childhood that lasted until 2008. Her name is Sunitha.

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Chris Iacovelli
March 23, 2023

First girlfriend was someone I met again some 40+ years later on a business trip to Toronto.

I spent the first 4 years of my life in and around Montreal (Ville d'Anjou et Pierrefond) and met Cindy who was my neighbor from across the street. We were inseparable. If i was there, she was there. If she was there, I was not too far behind. My father's work took my family back to the US. This was back in the time when dinosaurs still roamed the earth so moving away when you were 4 made it impossible to stay connected. This crazy thing called FB allowed us to "find" each other again.

On one of many trips to Toronto, we decided to meet for dinner. We recognized each other immediately, hugged with genuine warmth, and went off to dinner to catch up on our collective lifetime of experience. It was a very comfortable dinner and conversation, we remarked at some of the similarities of our lives, told stories of ourselves from childhood to present day, and took a slow ride back to the train station so she could make it back home.

We are still in touch today although we haven't had a chance to meet for dinner again and suspect we will remain in touch until we are both old and grey.

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Paul Wiggers
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March 23, 2023

My first crush was a colleague. We ticked all the boxes and were a good match. I am sure we could have been together still if I would have been a bit more mature back then. Tip of the day; don't be an ass. 

However, the break-up led to me meeting my current girlfriend for 20+ years now (might as well call her my wife), the birth of my daughter, and the life that I am currently and happily living. 

Sure, sometimes you think back to the old days, only to realize that the life you are living now is just as it is supposed to be.

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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March 23, 2023

So much fun to read these. Thanks for sharing guys!

Yes, you are correct @Andy Gladstone and well said "what’s important is not whether she was the first but she was the last!"


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Summer Hogan
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March 23, 2023

My first crush was when I was 12, but it wasn't me that had the crush it was a boy who had a crush on me. He made me a card and it had a big heart on it. I was so embarrassed because I did not like him so I threw it away! My mom was pretty mad at me because she wanted to put it in my book of remembrance. My first boyfriend was not until I was 16 years old, which I guess is a bit unusual, but I was focused on other things. He was a boy I met on the AF Base and it didn't work out to well. But, it was not meant to be so the rest of my life could happen! 

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March 24, 2023

The girl with whom i really kissed is Gea Gorter, we both wanted it while attending  1st year Myrtus college and just 12 years old.....thanks for the memory.

We cycled from a  rural village to a regional town for school. She had such a nice smile and she thought the same of me...Too bad afte r1st year she opted for another school.........

But am happily married for 29 years with another wonderful person

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Jimmy Seddon
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March 24, 2023

Ok, I was never one to get involved in relationships until college when I met (my now) wife.  Throughout my younger grades I was always a rather shy and awkward kids around others (except my very close friends).  In high school, I worked at the local grocery store which forced me to be a bit more social and as a result that really helped me come out of my shell and gave me the confidence to talk to people.  In College, on my first co-op term there were four of us that all got positions as the same location and that is where I met my wife and discovered she was stay with her aunt while going to school just down the street from where I lived.  We started to get to know each other out of proximity and the rest is history.

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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March 24, 2023

Thanks everyone! Hope that was a good trip down memory lane. Happy weekend!


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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 30, 2023

What a topic! I was really young at that time (11 or 12 years old). We are currenlty friend and our relationship continues to be good.

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Craig Nodwell
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April 4, 2023

My wife and I were married at the age of 15.
We're now at 48 happy years, 4 kids, 9 grandkids, and hopefully soon great grandchildren.
She was not my first girlfriend.  But they both have the same name.  :)

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Rakesh Kambattula
May 25, 2023

My wife

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Raymond Muyuka
July 7, 2023

My wife

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