Throwback Thursday: Happy Belly Laugh Day next Tuesday! #TBT

It's Thursday!giphy
Belly Laugh Day 2023 is a holiday observed annually on January 24. It is a day dedicated to celebrating the great gift and benefits of laughter. Laughter is known to having many holistic benefits which include the expanding of tissue lining of blood vessels to expand which consequently increases blood flow. This in turn makes you feel more positive, boosts your immune system and generally just makes us feel happier.
Soooo, what belly laugh stories from the past can you share with us? :)
Let’s make it a great Thursday!



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Dave Mathijs
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January 19, 2023

Hi @Kristján Geir Mathiesen ,

Tyrannosaurus Rex always makes me belly laugh.

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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January 19, 2023

I recently watched Fletch, the movie from 1985, and had a good laugh! It held up pretty well. Now I want to see it again, hahaha!


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Summer Hogan
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January 19, 2023

Hi @Kristján Geir Mathiesen - similar to you I recently watched Planes, Trains and Automobiles and had many good laughs! I love that movie! 

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Amanda Barber
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January 19, 2023

Honestly, most belly laughs these days come from the antics of my 8 year old. She will randomly say something that is just so far out of character - it always make the rest of us laugh. Depending on her mood, she'll either laugh along with us or be a grouch because we're laughing "at" her. :-D 

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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January 19, 2023

Kids do say the darnest things, @Amanda Barber , and can be so funny. Thanks for sharing.

@Summer Hogan yes! That movie is so funny. So, what about them Bears...

Hahaha @Dave Mathijs 

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Ernst Fortunits
January 19, 2023

Liebe Damen und Herren!

Nach langem Überlegen bin darauf gekommen, dass es keinerlei Grund gibt, sich altersgemäß zu verhalten. Deshalb: Ich bin anderst, als vermutet - Selten, wie erwartet - Und nie, wie andere sich das wünschen - aber es geht mir gut damit.

Somit gehabt Euch wohl und ein angenehmes Wochenende wünscht Ernst.  

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Alejandro Oro
January 20, 2023

I have no laugh to show you because until this time I'm still poor

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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January 22, 2023

Happy new year @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro ! I hope you are doing well.

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Brant Schroeder
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January 22, 2023

We always get a laugh out of The Burbs.  Classic movie that does not get enough attention.  


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Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro
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January 23, 2023

Hi @Kristján Geir Mathiesen, Happy New Year! 😃 

I'm doing well, and thanks for reminding me. I hope the same from your end.

Last semester, I changed leadership, the adaptation phase, and new strategies. My focus shifted to a more senior role, so I was more than busy. But I'm glad to be back in the community where I always enjoyed participating.

And I love this Belly Laugh Day! I honestly would like to have this one in Brazil! Hahahahahahaha! 😁😁 It brings me joy, for sure. ❤️😄

Thanks for posting and for your message.

Have a wonderful day and week, you all.

Patrícia 😃

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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January 23, 2023

Glad you are doing fine, @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro I thought maybe something had come up. Well, we've missed you but totally understand that life is busy :) Good to hear from you again.

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Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro
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January 23, 2023

I'm glad about your kind message! And thank you'll for it! I missed everybody here too! Sorry for not coming here to say hello, but it was a demanding time. 😊 However, I'm back again 😃, and happy for it. Thank you, @Kristján Geir Mathiesen

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John Funk
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January 26, 2023

Mine is usually when I am just sitting around with family or friends and reliving funny moments that have happened to us. 

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Ernst Fortunits
January 26, 2023

Vielleicht auch passend folgende Gedanken v. Syra Kolb:


Du bist der Mensch, der Dich schon ein Leben lang kennt.

Dich jedoch viel zu oft beim falschen Namen nennt.


Sieh in den Spiegel und halte dem Blick stand.

Gib Dir dabei selbst ganz liebevoll die Hand.


Jede Emotion in dir hat ein Recht und einen Sinn.

Sage auf Deine Art.... wie schön, dass ich, ich bin!

by Syra Kolb  

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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February 9, 2023

Funny moments with colleagues and friends!

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Ernst Fortunits
February 9, 2023

Hallo Ihr Lieben!

Es freut mich wenn meine Einträge gefallen.

Nun stelle ich eine Frage:

Ich nutze Trello Katen, als ein normaler Endverbraucher und als Single.

Über Trello bin ich hier bei Atlassian gelandet. 

Es gibt viele Produkte wie JIRA, Zusammenfluss.,, Quellbaum, Bit Bucket u. Opsgnenie,  Confluenz etc....

Mir stellt sich die Frage: Was hat das für einen Nutzen für mich? Es kann auch daran liegen das ich die Idee des Systems nicht verstehe? (abgeshen von TRELLO das ich auch verwende)

Kann mir jemand das wesentliche die Essenz vermitteln, das ich nicht so Iange nachlesen muß, nur um dann wieder vor dem neuen Tor zu stehen, und den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht zu finden.

mit der Bitte um Auf-, und Erklärung und DANK im Voraus

mit freundlichen Grüßen


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Omar Mohamed Fathi
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March 6, 2023

helllo , i am new here

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Juan Carlos Vera
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March 16, 2023


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Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket]
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July 6, 2023

Sacha Baron Cohen makes me laugh every single time all of his interviews and his movies are legendary!

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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October 25, 2023

I would give my thumbs up to the Black Adder.


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