Hey Everyone!
This is my first Friday Fun post so hopefully it gets close to hitting the mark. :-)
My wife and I are taking a dinner train trip for a couple of hours this Saturday with an old locomotive and the old Pullman dinning cars. I am so excited about it.
But secretively, I have always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon or a Zeppelin. Maybe one day!
So here's the question - what's the most unique mode of transportation you have ever used? Or what is something that would be a dream mode of transportation to try? (Let's try to keep it to actual items that exist :-)
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So cool!! Been on one in Wales. The track is very special. Has a third rail, which is a calliper that the locomotive 🚂 is attached to with a wheel crank!
both helps it go up as well as to stall if there is an issue and emergency-stops it from sliding back down
🚨 🤚
@John Funk - ooh, I've never done a meal on a train, aside from the dining car on an Amtrak! 😅
The most unique method of transportation for me was riding as a passenger on a Vespa in San Francisco. The best part? Slamming on the brakes while heading down a steep hill and barely running into oncoming traffic. 😂
I sort of did a meal on train once before - and overnight trip from Minsk to Riga, but it was just a very light breakfast. Not a really nice meal like this is going to be. :-)
Seems like traveling in San Fran is always an adventure with the hills!
omg @Dave Liao I rode on the back of a Vespa in SF once too! I still remember going through the Broadway tunnel. It was so fun.
It reminds me of our US road trip - we've enjoyed the view from the Golden Gate Bridge very much :-D!
@Hana Kučerová I have the exactly same photo somewhere :D
Sounds awesome @John Funk Reminds me of "Murder on the Oriental Express" that I watched not too long ago. I have never tried this. Great idea. Hope you have a good time.
We had an RV for couple of years and did quite a bit of traveling. Maybe not unique but very fun :)
RVing is a great way to see whatever country you happen to be in! I would love to take a month and just travel like that see unique parts of the US and the world.
I have three bucket list items in relation to this:
1) (mid)West USA 🇺🇸 by RV 🚌
2) East USA 🇺🇸 by train🚂
3) Canada 🇨🇦 by Moose 🦌 (joking... I would like to go to Canada but there’s no mode of transport preference)
This is so fun to think about. I've done a funicular (Los Angeles), a canal boat (Amsterdam), and a gondola (Venice). Probably the most memorable was renting a jet ski on Donner Lake a few years ago! Can't wait to go back once it's safe again.
Ah, forgot about gondolas! I want to do that, too!
I’ve been fortunate to go round Venice on the gondolas! Really awesome!
We did the cheap version of the gondola, we just did the one where you pay a few euros to go across the canal on a rickety boat stuffed with people. It was awesome!
I was lucky enough to visit Venice in high school (another choral festival!), but didn't get around to a gondola ride. Still on my list of things to do. We did ride a water taxi, which seemed cool then.
My previous front yard @Monique vdB !!!
Really tough call for most unique mode (and depending on definition of transportation too...), so take your pick/pic!
Sailplane flying (an old Schweizer I learned on)
Bob Bondurant Driving School
Avro Lancaster Bomber
The Picton Castle
Bluenose II with the wife even (she mostly doesn't engage in my shenanigans!)
WOW! Out of that group, my favorite is the Picton Castle!
OMGoodness...... you have been in a Lancaster Bomber 💣 ✈️???????? I am full on jelly right now!!!! 😊 👏
Wow to... all of this, but especially the sailplane, it's beautiful!
@John Funk Well done on your first Friday Fun! This is a beaut. So much fun, and really awesome to see everyone’s very different and super unique experiences! You hit the mark so hard, every Mark in the universe is like “yo, why my head hurt!?” 🤕 😂
My most unique travel has been in space! Actually it started before I was even born. And it will go on long after I have passed away also! And all of my 7 billion human buddies, all our ancestors and all our descendants, are coming along for the ride!
That’s right people, the FMA has turned up the “Fun-k” (double pun, get in my son!!) and has chosen planet earth as his most unique travel.
This entity we call “home” is a fricking space ship man!! 🚀 🛸And whilst there are similar planets to ours in existence, NONE are inhabited. We are LITERALLY the most unique travel in the entire (known) universe!! But that’s not all....
Did you know that Earth is spinning (at the equator) an impressive 1,037 mph (1,670 km/h)!??
And different latitudes have different spin speeds!
BUT...! Did you also know that Earth is orbiting the sun at a whopping 66,627 mph (107,226 km/h)!?? 😱
But that’s not all! The sun itself is hurtling through space at an insane 448,000 mph (720,000 km/h) whilst the Milky Way is busting an unfathomable 70 miles per SECOND (112km).
It’s fun to think that we are never ever in the same spot twice, each and every millisecond, and that as you read this comment, you just travelled thousands of miles through space.
OMGosh....!!!! 😳 😱
Your imagination is mind blowing! Hahaha
And thanks for the kind words and encouragement!
After reading this comment how i felt :
Well, it was pretty fun and unique trying dog sledding in Colorado a few years ago, although we didn't go very far:
But I have a soft spot for the Amtrak Coast Starlight. We won a trip on it to go snowboarding at Mt. Bachelor in Oregon, and have taken it a few times since, with one, and then two boys.
Traveling by rail in the US is impractical. It's slow. It's often late. It's expensive. It's old. It's not "charming" (unless you're a fan of like 70ish decor/amenities).
It's an underdog. Like the post office. From an era when kind of boring and utilitarian was pretty good.
Sleeper cars are tiny, and cramped, and fun, in a weird way. The food in the dining car isn't anything to write home about, but it's still impressive to be able to get a decent steak and potatoes on a moving train.
You'll get to meet other weird train fans, as well as folks who don't like flying, or just people who wanted to try something off the beaten path, to enjoy the scenery, or to just read a book, play a board game, or sleep, as you slowly but surely make your way to your destination.
Here we are in the now-retired Pacific Parlor car. :-{
Metadata from ye olde iPhone 6S (still using it!) says that we're probably passing Anderson Island, near Tacoma, WA.
Dog sled - so cool!! (Pardon the pun). Would love to do that as well but probably hate the cold too much 🙂
While on a roadtrip in Holland, we spent a couple of days on the Island of Texel. You only get there by boat, it's really quiet and it has some great and very extended beaches, good roads for riding the occasional bike and so on.
While we were there, we noticed we could take a small plane for a flight over the islands. Always nice to get a different view of the environment, so we went for it.
It turned out to be a very weird experience. For starters, the plain turned out to be very small, so only two of us could get on board. We decided pretty quickly that would be my then 9-year old daughter and me.
Next, they told us the interior decoration had been kept very minimalistic, so we would have to dress into working clothes to make sure we wouldn't make ourselves dirty or something.
So we did. Two other guys were there as well who claimed to have taken that plane before, but didn't see any wildlife from above back then. We suspect they had gotten a voucher to try again in better circumstances.
Before we knew it, we were up in the air. But the experience was terrible. The plane didn't even have proper seats. And you know how it goes when people start complaining - soon everyone has something to add to the discussion.
Things got so out of hand that suddenly someone decided to simply open the door. And we left the bloody thing in mid flight ...
... and that's how I accidentally ended up on my first parachute jump from a 3k altitude :-)
Both the weather and the location were great. It seems you can jump from a plane for the first time only once - so that really was a once in a lifetime experience!
You can keep the skydiving - I am not jumping out of a perfectly good plane! (Meaning it’s still in the air 😉
But what an adventure!
Thx @John Funk :-)
Maybe the story did not entirely go as I described it, but an adventure it sure was! And my 9-year old really was the star of the day at the airfield!
I'd love to try all of the above :)
I almost forgot I have sailed on a pirate ship once. It was during our visit of Japan, in Hakone district, which is famous for wasabi :-).
Pirate ship - yessssssssss!!
Legs are pretty unique these days!!
The most interesting mode of transport Ive used is the scenic railway in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. Its main claim to fame is "the thrill of a 52 degree incline riding the steepest passenger railway in the world". It was originally used to get miners to and from a coal mine (at least I think it was coal). Not your usual train carriages, more like a slow moving roller coaster.
I was disappointed to see that now the carriages are covered in - when I was kid it was all open, and a little bit nerve wracking! I can understand that it might be considered a health and safety nightmare, but I'm also sure its unlikely to be half as much fun.
Oh wow, you've hit on something my family has always encouraged members to give a go, and I'm not sure which thing on the list is most unique. I have:
A tank? Seriously?
That's quite a collection of all kinds of transportation devices on land, sea, and air!
I forgot that I have piloted a barge on the Mississippi River in the US. At least for a few hundred yards - but got a certificate for it. :-)
Yeah, I'm old and tried a lot of "experiences" over the years.
I left out race tracks too. Twice. One run at Santa Pod in a Lotus Elise that my boss owned, not really racing, just seeing how fast it could do (a lot faster than the point I got scared at apparently) and a real race at Silverstone... on a Segway
Awesome - so how fast did you get it up to?
About 135mph. Ben was happy pushing it to 150ish, but it was his car...
Ohh. And your Pullman post - reminded me that we stayed at https://www.old-station.co.uk a few years back. I didn't think of it as transport, as it's a dead station and the carriages don't move, but that's where it came from!
Nice on the staying in the train - that's cool!
I would probably freak out at 135 - about 118 is the fast I have gone and was very nervous. But it was on the Autobahn in a hatchback lol
I've slept on a train before - despite the UK not being exactly large, parts of the country are not places we can build fast tracks - London to Bristol (a shade over 100 miles) is about 2.5 hours, and another 150ish miles past Bristol to Penzance adds 5 hours. We still have sleeper services from London to Penzance and I've been on them a couple of times (the aim was to arrive bright and early for the helicopter flight to the Isles of Scilly)
So here's the update from Saturday's train ride. Very enjoyable and a nice dinner. We were one an old Pullman dining car, circa 1910-18. Two hours total - and passed by the Chattanooga National Cemetery, the second largest military cemetery in the US, behind Arlington National.
If all trains had tables with linen table cloths and great food along the way, I would most definitely be on them much more often!
So cool!
Nice! I can't top any of the above, but ours was a train trip too. From Toronto to Quebec with an overnight in Ottawa. First time travelling to those places and also on a train. The meal was nice, but the experience was much better. My wife and I would love to go on a Canadian Rockies train tour one day - I've heard it's one of the most beautiful train trips on earth.
That should be the next Atlassian Teams 2022 - all of us on a train trip through the Canadian Rockies for a few days!
@John Funk I'm game!
@Community Manager If you don't post your vespa pic I will 😂
Let's see it!!
@Bridget Sauer Wait, do you mean Segway pic?
Is this the Segway pic that became a meme?
I am going to go full on Janet this time.
I have lived in Ardèche, France during 18 years. Fun fact about Ardèche : it is the only French department without passenger train ! Ooray for riding your parents car, your bike, the bus or your feet if you live there as a kid !
The only passenger train you have currently in Ardèche is The Mastrou, a tourist railway.
Looks a bit like the Hogwarts Express, in Bouncier, smokier and noisier. And without the Trolley witch with its Honeydukes candies. Actually it does not ressembles the Hogwarts Express at all.
My parents took me for a ride when I was a kid. It was fun. I guess ? I actually only remember the noise I think.
And it has got it's own Wikipedia page !
You should give it another ride since it has been awhile. ;-)
When I was stationed in Norfolk back in the early 90s, I used to take a cargo plane to Millington, TN once a month to see my fiance who was stationed there. That was a rough ride. Cargo net seats with metal pole frames lined the inside of the darkened plane and you just stared at the pallets of cargo the entire flight. But it was worth it at the time for a free MAC flight.
And I am been to Millington more than once - that might have been the worst part hahaha.
Reading through the comments I realised I have a few more than I first thought. :)
WOW, that's some impressive travels! I am now determined to take a hot air balloon ride THIS year! But maybe not the whale haha.
Wow! That whale balloon is amazing! I've always wanted to take a balloon ride; the closest I've come is the Aerophile balloon at Disney World. It was fun, but tethered, and honestly the view of Orlando at night isn't really all that interesting 🥱.
I vote Lauren brings a balloon to the next Atlassian Team meeting in person and gives us all rides. :-)
There's a Cable Car system on Santorini?! I was there in 2008 with a May Term Study Abroad class - totally would have taken it!
@carrie_eandm - last time I went, there were three ways to get from the dock town (I'm sorry, I can't remember the name) up to the top of the rim of the crater so you could walk or ride to Thira and Oia - a zig-zag road you could walk or take a donkey ride along, or the cable car. From memory, my sister took the cable car in the late 80s!
Unique Mode of Transportation for me has been Horseback. I grew up with Quarter Horses and we'd always go riding on trails and county roads.
I think that's the first animal submission! :-)
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