Hello Everyone!
How are things going over there?
This morning, I was thinking about how many workouts or sports I've done in my life. I did water aerobics, belly dance, running, training at the gym, and Muay Thai - which I enjoyed a lot. I used swimming at the pool - and this one was my favorite - but unfortunately, I'm not going anymore, mainly because of the pandemic.
Now, I wake up early every day to practice yoga for 30 minutes or more and spinning for at least 40 minutes at home. But I miss all of the others indeed.
Check out some pics:
And you? What do you have you been doing to keep balance, a healthy mind, healthy body?
Let's spread healthy habits and motivation to each other!
I hope you enjoy yourself as well.
Cheers! 🙏😊
Hi @Huwen Arnone _Deiser_ It's so nice to know that this subject has been commenting in your office. I have to say that you're doing good. It's not easy to grab a fit to run; however, more than 5K it's already great!
Of course, we can't compare with our CEO because I got an idea about how much he runs! 😅 BTW, I wish you success on the Marathon in Berlin @Guillermo (DEISER),!
And it's nice what you have been doing for the rest of your week, and you're strengthening your core doing these exercises. It's pleasant, healthy, and you get discipline even more. Well done! Keep going! 😉👏
Kudos accepted! And thanks a lot for coming here; I appreciated it! 😃
Hi @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro , I'm not genetically determind for doing sports. When I compare my ability to train and progress with my wife, it is always like I'm fainting and she's smiling. If I stop doing something, I'm very soon on the beginning.
But in last 10 years I was trying to do something of course, at the amateur level. I played florbal, basketbal, table tenis, circuit training, TRX and running. I was doing TRX quite intensively in first quarter of 2021 but my knee and back stoped cooperating with me :D.
I was just thinking today to start jogging, so your today's topic is maybe a signal :D.
Attaching photo of me (on the left) attending one extreme 90 km race.
Woaaah! Just looked this up and not only is there a floorball league in my town, but there's a #floorball channel in Atlassian's Slack workspace 😂 this looks like a sport I can get onboard with!
90km in one run
@Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__
I enjoyed your introduction comparing your performance with your wife! 😅 (laughter)
Wow, in the last 10 years, you focused a lot quite intensively! TRX is cool. I've tried once, and it's hard, so I decided to focus on weight training. But the 90 km race is impressive. And brought damage 😅 on your foot. At my spinning, I've been doing 12 Km in 40 minutes. Always improving.
So, yeah, it might be a signal 😃 , but start slowly and taking care.
In this pic, some years ago, I used to run with my friends from the gym. (2276)
BTW, I meet my husband at the gym 😃 .
My exercise is pretty much doing some occasional walking. I really should do much more. :-(
Hi, @John Funk, I feel you! But maybe you can add some activity in your routine to do more than occasional walking if you feel these needs. But it needs to be something pleasant for you.
So pick an inspiration and try; if you don't like it, try another activity in parallel until finding the best fit for you! 💫
You can do it! 😉
Thanks for the encouragement! I came home yesterday and mowed the lawn - with a push mower! :-)
@John Funk this is amazing!
How much effort on it, right?
Congrats! I'm feeling quite happy to know that you have chosen a healthy way to cut the lawn. Terrific job! :-)
Keep going!
Me too @John Funk ! The battery in my 15-year-old electric pushmower gave out this summer, so I also found a used reel mower and have been enjoying that. Even quieter than the electric, and not much more effort to use!
Amazing too, @Daniel Eads !
Well done. I enjoy the pic 😃 💪 !
Always wanted to use a reel mower. I should have done that instead of buying the electric one last year. :-)
Check craigslist / Facebook Marketplace! Picked mine up for $30 USD from somebody moving out of town.
Good topic! I walk a lot, and I recently picked up an exercise bike as you have (not quite as nice, but it gets the job done) and have been doing daily spinning.
Oh, great, @Payne, that you're spinning too! Our bodies and minds can oxygenate a lot with these activities. Above and beyond! Congrats! 😊
Don't like gyms or sports or formally recognised exercise - I'm with @Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__ , not genetically built for it!! I hide it, a bit like a kid hides broccoli in a pot plant... however, I DO like broccoli.
I do things like get somewhere by walking, build garden beds, move ridiculously large things, pull weeds, chop wood, mill my own flour with a handmill etc.
Hi @Linda Milne_Togetha Group_ I feel you too! 😃
But I see that you're very active and do different activities, and you're strong! I really admire your efforts.
You rock, Linda! Keep going! 👏🏽
I don't know if this is your case, but I wish to live in the countryside or a place with more nature. It's so more pleasant for me. And it seems that you live in a healthier environment. Amazing! 🤩
Thanks for sharing a bit of you. Have an amazing week ahead.
I'm out the door in 30min for my 7th MTB ride of the month. I'm averaging 8-9 a month and am trying to reach a goal of at least 12 per month. Then I'll work on increasing the time and distance totals for the month.
June: 9 rides, 116mi
July: 9 rides, 67mi
August: 11 rides, 85 miles
Hi @LarryBrock ,
Oh Gosh, it's an impressive job! But, I'm certain that you'll achieve your goals with your dedication.
It's nice to see here a lot of experiences and different activities.
The best workout, daily activities, or hobby needs to bring us a smile and be pleasant for us. 😃
Congrats on your achievements, you rock! 🚴🏼♂️ 🚀
It's a huge collaboration of all.
I'm feeling glad about it.
To be honest, my preferred ones are walking or cycling. During these intermediate lockdowns, I started at home but I still prefer these outdoor ones.
Hi @Suvradip Paul
These are great activities, and I agree with you, outdoor is even better!
So keep doing, keep moving! 😃🚀🤩👏
Oof, as I'm trying to figure out my Friday Fun topic, I realized I missed this opportunity to talk about Ultimate Frisbee, which is pretty much the only sport I've ever devoted much time to.
I love Ultimate because it gives me a reason to run. I find "working out" (in a gym, or running, etc.) incredibly boring. Also - the only equipment you really need are a frisbee and some cones.
There's also something called "Spirit of the Game":
Ultimate relies upon a Spirit of the Game that places the responsibility for fair play on every player. There are no referees; the players are solely responsible for following and enforcing the rules, even at World Championship. Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play.
So at the highest levels of the game, players call their own fouls*, and it's expected that unlike some other sports (basketball, soccer) where intentional fouling or drawing fouls is "part of the game", the rules in Ultimate are (by and large) followed by players, not "gamed".
I feel that a big reason for "Spirit of the Game" is safety. The physics of a frisbee mean that a disc can hang in the air for a while, and without rules that discourage contact, and encourage people to look out for other players, there could be a lot more injuries if people ran at full-speed, only focused on the floating disc, without awareness of other players.
*"Professional" Ultimate Leagues (to be fair, players are only making $25 game + expenses) do have referees. But many have incorporated an "Integrity Rule" that allows players to "call their own fouls", or even decline calls in their favor that they didn't think were right.
Where to play?
I primarily play in pickup games (in the SF Bay Area, and especially around "Silicon Valley", you can find an Ultimate game literally every day of the week) maybe once or twice a week. These games finally started up again after vaccinations became available and we had good science about COVID transmission outdoors.
Oh, and before pandemic, I started Ultimate pickup games with co-workers (because I like introducing the game to new people, I didn't want to drive, and I like playing 12-1PM, and most pickup games start and end late.)
Here's folks from Netflix (and friends) from 2015:
And here's my famous closed-eyes defense playing with friends I worked with at Palm (on my 40th birthday, some 11 years ago):
Interested in Playing?
If any of this intrigues you, it's entirely likely that where ever you live, there's an Ultimate game nearby that would be happy to have you join, even if you can barely throw a frisbee. (Although it would be good to practice a bit.)
I found and played in an pickup Ultimate game on the island of Kauai, and joined my cousins at pickup game in San Antonio, TX.
A great place to find pickup games is here: https://pickupultimate.com/
And to learn more about Ultimate, here's some good places to start:
Hi @Darryl Lee
It's never late, ok? 🥳
Thanks a lot for coming here and sharing quite nice information about Ultimate Frisbee. It's so much fun to know a bit more about something that is not a habit in my country - Brazil.
And more than this, you talked regarding the Spirit of the Game that makes everything even more fun and joyful. So, it's natural to play many times with friends. It's a unique game with great rules to practice a different and more enjoyable exercise than at the gym.
I truly appreciated your visit here, the pics, and the links to see more details.
Cheers, 😃 🤩 👏
Speaking of never too late, after playing at a local pickup Ultimate game where I was getting outrun by guys probably 10-20 years my senior, I thought... maybe it's time to actually ... train?
As mentioned before, I hate the idea of just "working out", but I had heard of a program that specifically tried to address areas that would help for Ultimate frisbee.
So far I'm almost 2-weeks into a free 6-week SAQ and Conditioning Plan from this website, and it *seems* like I'm gaining more stamina for the specific sprint/rest/sprint type of running that Ultimate demands.
I know this sounds like an ad. But after reading @Alex Koxaras _Relational_'s post I was reminded that for the first time in my life, I'm actually "working out" on a regular almost daily schedule. It's bizarre, but so far, seems worthwhile.
Hi @Darryl Lee
It's good to see you here again! It's so nice to know that you're investing your time and booking a schedule to keep doing your working out in a way that you enjoy!
Congrats on it, and it might be an excellent plan for it, as we can see on this website.
I appreciate your comment about @Alex Koxaras.
It might be something that he'll analyze to grab a possibility to insert a workout again in their days!
Great teamwork!
I hope it helps Alex too!
Cheers!! = )
After being inactive for the past two - three years, I started doing some pushups indoors. That went pretty well for 2-3 consecutive months, till my daughter got ill. Now I haven't done any workout for the past 2-3 weeks... Ohh how much I've missed working out.. :(
I can't imagine how hard it is to have a daughter ill, but I hope she's getting better day by day! I understand that you missed working out, but try to see this period as a moment. Soon, you'll organize your time with your priorities, and everything is going to be all right! Take care! 😃🙏✨👏💪🙏
Thank you @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro for your kind word! Hopefully I will continue working out! :D
Anytime @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ ! Everything will be fine!
And soon you come back to working out! 😃😃🙏🙏
hope she is fine by now
Great reminder, @M Amine
How are things going? Is your daughter better now? We hope so! 🙏
Have a great week, buddy!
Thanks Patricia for the post.
Lots of soccer before the pandemic and we got the peloton bike last year which I love. My favourite are the bike bootcamps where you combine both bike and strength exercises for 30-45 mins.
If anyone in North America or Germany is interested in getting a peloton bike let me know and I will pass you some discount codes :)
That's awesome, @Fabian Lim.
You are doing pretty well! Exercises are the medicine.
I love Peloton, but it is so expensive here in Brazil because we need to import.
However, if I lived in the US or Europe, I'd take your discount codes, for sure :)
Peloton is the best bike ever! Keep rocking, buddy!
😃 🥳 🤩