Happy Monday Everyone!
If you have read any of my previous Miscellaneous Monday posts, you will know that I love keeping try to it’s namesake and I enjoy sharing random knowledge you never knew you needed to know.
I was gifted the Warcraft Remastered Battle Chest for Christmas. I spent a bunch of free time over the next month or so playing through the entire story. It's been many years since I last played through it, when I got to the end, I felt a little bit sad that I was finished and a little lost about what I should do next. This is when I decided to Google this to see if there was a name for this feeling, sure enough, it’s called a “Book Hangover“.
However, the term has become more widely used than simply just books. It can also include TV series, Movies or Video games (yep, they tell a story too!). The definition stems from the concept of being immersed in a story’s world and characters and not being ready to leave them behind even though the story is finished.
I had gotten into a routine of playing for a short period of time after getting the kids to bed at night and I very much enjoying following through the story again. I have found this to also happen when I have binge watched few really good TV series on various streaming services.
So, how do you get over a Book Hangover? Some experts say the best option is to do something completely different. In the case of me playing a video game, I decided to do activities away from my computer screen, such as painting and writing.
So, if you have ever experienced these types of symptoms in the past, now you can put a name to it!
I hope you all have a great start to your week!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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