I have 4 members and 32 guests, I will need to keep it like this so I was looking for the page to upgrade our account without success. Will I only be able to locate it once we hit April 8th otherwise can you please point it out?
Will I be paying 32 X 5$ (since the 4 members are also guests)? I think regular version would work, we have 10 boards total and everyone is buzzing around in those, no specific needs for automations or special features.
please let me know if there is one place we can sign up right now or if we need to wait until the first date, I can't risk to let the team down with no access to the trello.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 7, 2024 edited
@ashley Any member of the Workspace or any of its boards counts as a collaborator, regardless of whether or not they are creating content.
However, from your description, it sounds like those users may only be on one board. In Trello's paid plans, if a user is a member of only one board in the Workspace and not a member of the Workspace itself, you don't have to pay for that user. So, as long as most of those 100 users are only on one board, they may not count toward the bill.
I also want to let you know that you can continue using Trello with your 100 users past April 8. April 8 is when we will start preventing the addition of new users in Workspace that already have 10 or more, but you will still be able to continue using Trello with the collaborators you already have until May 20. We will also be offering a 30 day free trial for a limited time starting April 8.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 7, 2024 edited
Hi @Jean-Philippe Couture! First, to clarify the timeline, you don't need to make any changes before April 8. On April 8, we will only be blocking the addition of new users in Workspaces that already have 10 or more, so you can continue using Trello normally with the collaborators you already have until May 20. We'll also be offering a 30 day free trial for a limited time starting April 8.
Workspace members are not counted in the number of guests. Guests are users who are members of one or more boards within the Workspace but not members of the Workspace itself. So, if you have 4 members and an additional 36 guests who are all one multiple boards, that would be 40 users * $5.
You can find out what the exact price would be by going to the billing page for your Workspace. You can do that by clicking on the down arrow next to "Workspace Settings" in the sidebar, and then clicking on "Upgrade workspace" as shown in the screenshot below. On the bottom of that page, you'll see the price for each plan. You can also upgrade on that page, but if it were me, I'd wait until after April 8 so you can start off with 30 days free!
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 7, 2024 edited
@Kathryn Kuchenbrod There is no limit to number of users on the Standard plan. The price is $5 per user/month if billed annually (and $6/month if billed monthly). So, if you have 20 users, then it will be $5*20 = $100/month. For non-profits there is a 75% discount available. Details here.
@Caity thank you to replying to some of the comments on this thread. Please can you tell me how I can remove one user, and delete the board she set up? She is no longer with the organisation, but I can't work out how to remove her or the board as am not an admin on it. Our small charity will not be able to continue using Trello if we incur charges.
It is very unfortunate. I have been a Trello user since 2015-ish maybe, with my personnal email, and then used it in different companies to help manage tasks on different projects. I just love the solution.
Now, i have two board with ish 14 contributors total. Most of them are 1 board users only. I removed already some of them to be under the fatidic 10.
But i can't justify towards my bosses that they have to pay 5$ extra per month per user when we already have other solutions avaliable in our Office 365 package. And yeah it hurts my bottom to have to delete my Trello account soon.
If most of the 14 are 1 board only users, you wouldn't have to pay $5/month per user, you could probably get it down to maybe $25/month.
I had experience of being forced to work with Microsoft Planner for 2 years at a company who didn't want to pay and quite honestly, it is dreadful. Setting it up and using it effectively is likely to cost you more than $25 in lost productivity!
Hello. In our company we have about 400 active Trello Users. With many workspaces and boards. I am triying to understand how much we should pay for an Standar o premium plan or even entrerprise? and how we will be able to admin it without a caos? My expactation as a Agility Head is centralize the administration but I don´t know how do it. I completed several times a form but nobody contact me yet. Atlassian team, could you kindly contact me ASAP? Thanks, Hugo.
I have a question about a matter of significant concern as the change of plan of Trello, but I haven't received a response yet. I would like to get in touch with someone to understand how my situation will change. Thank you.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
@Denise Fay Free Workspaces in Trello are getting some new tools that will make it super easy to remove members or guests from your Workspace. These tools will be available by the end of March—if you want to remove someone before then, you can do so by following the steps below.
To remove a member from a Workspace, go to the Workspace members page, and select "Remove..." to the right of their avatar. This member will also receive a notification that they were removed from the Workspace.
In a free or Standard Workspace, when you remove a member, this will not remove them as a member of boards within the Workspace. It will only remove their access to the Workspace – you will need to manually remove them from Workspace boards.
The easiest way to do this is to go to the Guests page, which you can navigate to from the Members page, and then click on the “On X boards” link for that person. When you hover over each board, a “Remove” button will appear to allow you to remove that person from the board.
If the person you want to remove is the admin for a board in the Workspace, or if they're a member on a board that you don’t have access to, you may not be able to remove them. The new tools coming later this month will allow you to fully remove these users.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
@Alix Lewer Free Workspaces in Trello are getting some new admin tools that will allow you to fully remove any member or guest. These tools will be available by the end of March.
If you want to remove someone before then, you can do that by starting a free trial and then following the steps on this page. However, I’d recommend waiting for the new admin tools coming later this month. The first stage of the new collaborator limit starting on April 8 will only impact inviting new users—you’ll still be able to use your Trello normally with all of your existing collaborators—so you should have time to make any changes needed after these admin tools are added.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
@Nicole Lim Trello Premium isn't bundled with Jira. By the way, Trello actually has another paid offering available, Trello Standard, which is $5/user/month when paid annually. You can compare all our plans here: trello.com/pricing
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
Hi @Anatolii, that's correct—guests are included in the total collaborator count. The "Collaborators" term is intended to include anyone using boards within the Trello Workspace, which means both guests and Workspace members are included.
Upgrades apply to the entire Workspace rather than an individual users. However, that doesn't mean that all users have to be paid for as part of that bill. That depends on these criteria:
Members of the Workspace itself are always billable
Guests of the Workspace are billable if they are members of more than one board. If the guest is only on one board, they're free.
If you'd like to see in advance how much it would cost to upgrade your Workspace, you can find that by going to the Workspace billing page. To navigate there, click on the down arrow next to "Workspace settings" in the sidebar, as shown in the screenshot below, and then click on "Upgrade workspace." You'll be able to switch between monthly and annual billing on that page to see how much each option would cost for either Trello Premium or Trello Standard.
If your team was happy with the features in Trello's free plan, then Trello Standard is the plan I would suggest for you. However, we offer a free trial for Trello Premium, so you could always start with that and then switch to Trello Standard at the end of the trial.
If your Workspace isn't eligible for the non-profit discount for some reason, Trello Standard also has unlimited collaborators at a lower price point than Trello Premium. You can compare both plans here: trello.com/pricing
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
@Jordon Ward Upgrades apply to the entire Workspace rather than an individual user, so you wouldn't choose individual people to upgrade. Once you upgrade, the bill is automatically calculated taking into account all users.
However, that doesn't mean that all users have to be paid for as part of that bill. That depends on these criteria:
Members of the Workspace itself are always billable
Guests of the Workspace are billable if they are members of more than one board. If the guest is only on one board, they're free.
If you'd like to see in advance how much it would cost to upgrade your Workspace, you can find that by going to the Workspace billing page. To navigate there, click on the down arrow next to "Workspace settings" in the sidebar, as shown in the screenshot below, and then click on "Upgrade workspace." You'll be able to switch between monthly and annual billing on that page to see how much each option would cost for either Trello Premium or Trello Standard.
The verbiage technicalities seem to be very confusing with this change, and it would be helpful to have a cheat sheet of terms/vocabulary.
This is what I hear - please confirm:
User = Anyone with a Trello account OR a guest to a board or workspace that does not have their own Trello account
Workspace = Composition of multiple boards; A Trello user may be the owner of multiple workspaces, and there may be multiple users within the same workspace (as guests or members)
Member = Active user of a workspace whom can add or remove cards; can be a member of a board while being a guest of a workspace; can be a member of a workspace while being a guest to a board
Guest = Participant that cannot add, edit or remove a workspace ; cannot add, edit, or remove a board
Collaborator -->This where my confusion is: .....
How is a Collaborator different from a User?
If we upgrade a workspace, will only the owner of the workspace be upgraded and billed? Or will we be billed for total # of users in the workspace?
Do Standard and/or Premium allow for unlimited workspace collaborators? If so, what are those limits compared to Enterprise? (We're trying to decide what works for us.)
If I am a collaborator of multiple workspaces, will I be billed for each workspace I am a member or guest in? Ex. I am a member or guest of 10 boards in 10 different workspaces. For a standard plan, is that $5 x 10 workspaces?
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
@Fanny Ritouet Guests are only included in the bill if they're members of multiple boards within the Workspace. Any guest that's only a member of a single board would be free on any of Trello's paid plans. So, if your customers are usually only on one board each, you wouldn't need to pay for them.
If you'd like to see in advance how much it would cost to upgrade your Workspace, you can find that by going to the Workspace billing page. To navigate there, click on the down arrow next to "Workspace settings" in the sidebar, as shown in the screenshot below, and then click on "Upgrade workspace." You'll be able to switch between monthly and annual billing on that page to see how much each option would cost for either Trello Premium or Trello Standard.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
@[deleted] Here are some updates on those definitions:
User = This is not a specific Trello term with a precise definition. Generally, it would refer to someone with a Trello account (meaning they've logged into Trello at some point in their life). When we refer to "per user" pricing, we're referring to billable users. In a paid Workspace, the members of that Workspace and any guest on more than one board are billable. Guests that are only on a single board are free.
Workspace Member = A Workspace member will be listed on the Members page for that Workspace. Workspace Members can create boards within the Workspace and can see other boards within the Workspace.
Guest = Guests are members of one or more boards within a Workspace but not members of the Workspace itself. They can edit the board they're on just like any other member of that board, but they cannot create a new board within the Workspace and can only view the boards they're a member of.
Collaborator = All Workspace members and guests are collaborators in that Workspace.
How is a Collaborator different from a User?
Guests that are only on a single board are counted as collaborators but are not billable users.
If we upgrade a workspace, will only the owner of the workspace be upgraded and billed? Or will we be billed for total # of users in the workspace?
Upgrades apply to the entire Workspace rather than an individual user, so you wouldn't choose individual people to upgrade. Once you upgrade, the bill is automatically calculated taking into account all billable users.
Do Standard and/or Premium allow for unlimited workspace collaborators? If so, what are those limits compared to Enterprise? (We're trying to decide what works for us.)
Yes, Standard and Premium both allow unlimited collaborators, and are priced based on the total number of billable users.
If you'd like to see in advance how much it would cost to upgrade your Workspace, you can find that by going to the Workspace billing page. To navigate there, click on the down arrow next to "Workspace settings" in the sidebar, as shown in the screenshot below, and then click on "Upgrade workspace." You'll be able to switch between monthly and annual billing on that page to see how much each option would cost for either Trello Premium or Trello Standard.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
@Yamila Cortenova If you would like to have more than 10 people on the boards within your Workspace, then you'll need to upgrade to a paid plan. I'd suggest Trello Standard, which is $5 per user/month if billed annually (and $6/month if billed monthly). Any guest that is only on a single board within the Workspace is free.
If you'd like to see in advance how much it would cost to upgrade your Workspace, you can find that by going to the Workspace billing page. To navigate there, click on the down arrow next to "Workspace settings" in the sidebar, as shown in the screenshot below, and then click on "Upgrade workspace." You'll be able to switch between monthly and annual billing on that page to see how much each option would cost for either Trello Premium or Trello Standard.
@CaityIf I am a collaborator of multiple workspaces, will I be billed for each workspace I am a member or guest in? Ex. I am a member or guest of 10 boards in 10 different workspaces. For a standard plan, is that $5 x 10 workspaces?
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 8, 2024 edited
@Lonneke Feijten Yes, guests can move Trello cards and comment on cards just as any other board member.
Single board guests are free, and they're not included in the bill for any of Trello's paid plans. However, they still count as collaborators, and Free Workspaces will be limited to 10 collaborators total.
So, if you had a free Workspace with 2 members and 9 single board guests, you would need to upgrade to a paid plan because you would be over the collaborator limit. However, once you upgraded, you would only need to pay for the 2 Workspace members.