Within the organization of my daily tasks, I have a list of monthly repetitive tasks.
I started using PowerUp Card Repeater. It is great for many things, for example team meetings.
But in my case I opted for another option because there were some tasks that were not exactly monthly, for example "Make an appointment at the hairdresser's"
And the tasks were accumulating because the card was created before I had finished the previous one.
So I opted for the following:
1. Create a list of REPEATING TASKS, and a label of REPEATING TASKS.
2. Set a due date
3. Create a rule that says that when a card with the label REPEATING TASK completes the due date, it is self-scheduled as pending for the following month.
1. To have alerts for that task
2. If I have not done it, I see the "red" of the due date that does not let me forget about it (if it is not strictly necessary that it is monthly, of course).
3. And of course that I don't forget to do that task any month!
I hope this is useful to you. And feel free to share your ideas with me! 😀
Alicia FilÃu Birlanga
Alicia FilÃu Birlanga
Alicante (Spain)
4 accepted answers