Update: Project Administration in Jira Server is here for good! Read our latest article for more information on the release: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Training-Certification-articles/Project-Administration-in-Jira-Server-is-here/ba-p/782126
You spoke and we listened! We're thrilled to share the beta of our brand new Certification for Project Administration in Jira Server. The offering includes a training course and exam voucher. You’ll have until March 31st to complete it all, but it may take you only a couple of days or a week. We wanted to make sure that, as Community leaders, you are among the first try it out and provide feedback. What's even better? The training course and the beta exam are both free!
The course covers all of the tasks and best practices involved in the creation, configuration and maintenance of projects in Jira Software Server. You’ll also have access to hands-on exercises, demonstrations and information about what to expect on the exam, including sample exam questions. Once you feel ready, you can sign up for the exam, and if you pass, voilà - you're Atlassian Certified!
So who is this Certification best suited for? Certified Jira Project Administrators are the power users who know how to configure projects and boards, customize workflows and manage project permissions in their organization's Jira Software Server or Data Center instance. They live in Jira Software day-to-day and can help scale their instance to meet the demand of their business, so their Jira Administrator and teams can get more work done.
To sign up for the beta Certification, just follow these three simple steps:
Beta registration is now open, so get the free course/exam bundle today, and start preparing! Beta testing ends on March 31st or when we have 200 registrants, whichever comes first. We look forward to hearing your feedback, and welcoming a new batch of Atlassian Certified grads.
Brian Keough
Product Marketing Manager
Austin, TX
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