Inspired by the question on how our experiences with Team Playbook went.
Somewhat recently we were looking for ways to shake up some of our meetings, so we ran a very short Retro in place of a standard ritual and it was well-received. We now make them regular practice. We chose Retros because we felt it would provide the team with an open forum to discuss how they were feeling about the work/projects and what things we could try implementing to help improve teamwork.
We utilize EasyRetro to run our Retros. We find using a tool that allows our team members to share anonymously helps get the conversation started more easily. And we structure our columns to be: "What went well", "What didn't go well", and "Actionable items" Each Retro also includes a Team Health Check survey question.
We spend the first few minutes recapping the progress made on the action items from the previous Retro, then we recap the sprint metrics. After the recaps, the team gets some time to input their comments and then vote. Voting determines what we spend time discussing. We then discuss the top-ranked comments (more if we have time), proposing solutions and action items, as necessary.
Each Designer also sits on a Product team and some of them do Retros with their larger product teams, as well.
We've now run 3 Retros and they've all provided us with some really valuable feedback. I've also received feedback from a few team members that they feel it's been a great addition and that they're enjoying the anonymous survey question at the beginning to see where the rest of the team stands on certain things.
Action Items are very important to us, so we make sure to follow through on them in a couple of ways.
Would love to hear your thoughts on how we've chosen to run this Play and if there are
Including a team health check survey question in the retro is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
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