How do I compensate my early team members in my start-up without making anyone feel undervalued when we are not making any money yet ? Should I give equal equity or distribute equity according to workload ?If its according to workload , how do I measure that ?
maybe using OKR and giving value points or something like that?
Hi @Victor Kenneth ,
have you tried to ask your team, what they expect?
About the measurement - I would also let the whole team discuss and decide, how valuable is each member of the team.
Hi, @Victor Kenneth
I'm glad you're thinking about how best to appreciate and engage with your team. That's paramount for retention and limiting burnout.
As far as compensation goes, that can mean a wide range of things.
Like @Hana Kučerová mentioned, you might want to get a sense for what individuals say motivates them. Without asking, you may not be able to know for sure. In that way, you won't have to worry about "equal" compensation because compensation can take very personal forms. And in whatever way you ultimately choose, money does not have to be the sole way to encourage more good work.
Good luck and let us know what you end up doing!
I think just be as honest and open as possible - secrecy around pay and reward is always a huge problem for people
I agree with @Christine P. Dela Rosa and @Hana Kučerová , you should talk to them. As you're still start-up, it won't take so much time probably.
The problem with the motivation is that you need to work on it individually...
I think it is a mix between @Liam Green and @Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__ but for sure every wrong step could be huge problem....
It is the same with colleagues that started as apprentice and stayed in the company compared to new recruited experts sometimes.
I'd definitely suggest having a way of sharing expectations and wishes instead of you trying to figure out what'd be best. That's easier to manage especially before the team evolves into a bigger one. Good luck!
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