In our printing company with 5 employees, it is important to establish clear roles and responsibilities for each team member. This helps ensure an efficient workflow, effective communication, and a high level of overall performance.
Team Poster Play and the Roles and Responsibilities Play: the two playbook will be great for our team as it highlight the context of roles and responsibility for each member in the team
How to run the Roles and Responsibilities play will help everyone keep track of responsibilities and identify opportunities for growth. It is a great way to clarify individual roles and responsibilities, identify gaps in coverage, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
We have recently gone through re-organisation, as we have co-existing project teams and most of times one team delaying thier delivery derails all other teams as well from meeting deadlines so i beleive network of teams exercise would help us a lot
I'm a new hire to the IT Team and have set up the new team space. 3/5 of us are brand new to the team so the team poster play will really help us work together effectively and get clarity on our team's goals and mission .
Running the team poster play would be really good for my team. We're an expanding technology and workforce management team. We've hired some new teammates recently and are still working on understanding the breakdown how they are going to assist the technology team with these issues.
The Capacity Planning Play would definitely help with being able to figure out the long term allocation of resources for different engineers needing to balance their workloads.
Our team grew exponentially in the last year, we hired new roles and I think that we would benefit from the Roles and Responsibilities play, to have a better understanding of the contribution of each one and how we can support each other.
I also found really interesting the Working Agreements play, since we are a fully remote team, with different roles and personalities. So I think it's very important to know each other better and determine a flow that works best for our team.
While we are working on the never ending changes that take place in our environments, I think this is a good play for our group to use just to get everyone on the same page with how the team works. It's one that I've ran before, but like the course says, it can be ran multiple times for any reason. I think it's a good time now to run it again. It's good for us to do it again because we are having team changes, work changes, and other factors that are impacting how we do things.
We'll have to run it fully remote using collaboration tools as everyone is everywhere and not everyone can be in a room at once time.
One of the Team Shaping Plays that your sales team could benefit from running today is the "Customer Segmentation and Targeting" play. This play focuses on identifying and targeting specific customer segments that have the highest potential for conversion and revenue generation.
Why: By implementing the Customer Segmentation and Targeting play, your sales team can strategically allocate their resources and efforts towards the most promising customer segments. This approach allows for a more personalized and tailored approach to selling, increasing the chances of success and driving higher conversion rates. Moreover, it helps your team prioritize their activities and focus on the customers who are most likely to benefit from your products or services, leading to improved customer satisfaction.
How: By implementing a system for organizing and sharing information, each player in the sales team can benefit from improved access to knowledge, enhanced collaboration, streamlined communication, and a culture of continuous learning. This ultimately leads to more informed and effective sales strategies, increased productivity, and better overall team performance.
My team is relatively new, a product of a restructuring to achieve a newly defined goal within my organization. The Roles and Responsibilities team play will be the most immediately helpful for my needs. The Confluence template has been helpful to visually layout all of the roles and responsibilities first, without assigning names.
As we recently had a reduction in staff, roles and responsibilities would be a fantastic play to run to see what we are still able to complete as a team and what is a gap and will probably remain a gap for the foreseeable future.
Running teams in diverse levels of teamplay, I learned that it is important to create a sort of 'family' feeling in a team. This makes that teammembers get a better connection to the other teammembers and also creates a bond where the responsibilities of a teammember count as more solid than ever. Noone wants to disappont his family, and teammembers are more willing to help out other teammembers where problems arise. This however only works if teammembers have a truly feeling of equality where fear of asking questions doesn't play a role. Simply 'let teammembers do what they are good at' and with that sharing of the knowledge wil certainly increase the teams efficiency. The teamplay scenarios are good tools to increase clearity/transparity accross the team and help building this family spirit.
Since we consciously haven't implemented given plays in our teams, we had our own versions of them. I would consider it a beta version of those, stated in university.
However, what ignited my interest msot, was Team poster. It is a play, which can be stronly coordinated by project manager, and it gives the whole team clear vision, on what should each individual work on, but also to whom should they go, if they need specific information.
Also, not leaving out the last working agreement plays, they could be understimated a lot of times and perfecting this play, can bring less distress into the team spirit.
Team poster is where I would like to start first. This I believe will improve the team collaboration. This will not only give a clear picture of each ones roles and responsibilities, it will also help team communicate better.
My team would benefit from the Roles and Responsibilities Play to clarify what each individual responsibilities are as sometimes members go beyond their responsibilities or assume another role to help stakeholders, when in the end there is already a person for this role. This causes missing communication between team members and affects the end deliverable.
Having this play will help team members redirecting stakeholders to the right team members and proceed with the normal flow
Roles and Responsibilities; Network of Teams; Working Agreements
I'm learning about Project Design (PD). One of the most popular subjects to improve students' abilities in universities is project design. The University of Economics and Finance of Ho Chi Minh City (UEF) collaborated with KIT University - Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Japan) on the student training path. We must work in groups on this subject, and my team comprises of 5 people. Our team's issue is that each member is taking part in a number of projects, and each project requires complete participant management. Everyone is required to produce their own goods. We will regularly check in with the team to make sure everyone is on the same page, giving feedback and support as necessary.Additionally, it will be an opportunity to assess how far the greater aim has come along and, if necessary, change the roles and responsibilities.
I think in a group where everyone is willing to help each other, I think doing a Roles and Responsibilities play would be a great way of understanding what we're supposed to being within our roles to avoid stepping on someone else's toes. It's also useful for new members in the team to understand who they can go to for questions or coaching on skills gaps.
Our team's brainstorming session today was truly inspiring! The collaborative and judgment-free environment allowed for diverse ideas to flow freely. We explored innovative approaches, evaluated ideas, and created an action plan to enhance customer experience. The session highlighted the power of teamwork and the potential for impactful solutions. I am excited to see the results!
The Team Poster play would be very useful and helpful, especially in the circumstance of new team members joining your team. Also when you, yourself join a new team, its always useful to have a quick and concise background on who might be your future teammate.
We're moving to a new system and there are a lot of duties involved from various areas of our organization. Clearly defining roles and responsibilities will help ensure all gaps are covered in during this migration.
My current team and the other teams alike could benefit from running the network of teams play. There are gaps in communication that could benefit both the partners and company greatly if those communication gaps were identified and closed. Gaining an organizational understanding of what each role handles and opening lines of communication between the teams would create an envirornment where tasks are accomplished efficiently.
As part of a new team, the Roles and Responsibilities Play will allow for a compartmentalized approach towards our project that leverages our team members' unique and diverse professional experiences. We will incorporate the Team Poster Play to get an idea of who would plug in where to the greatest effect and then will have delegations of responsibilities based on those experiences. It's a great roadmap towards developing cogent programming inside our new project!
While developing our product, we did not define our roles and responsibilities clearly and this affect the technical development and delivery of the product. We are under-staffed and one saff is actually taking roles and responsibilities of 2 or more people. This is quite unhealthy for the product
Also, we are unable to manage a perfect working agreement due to remotabilty of some staff and as such we are not on the work schedules which in return affected the product.
Effectively, a clear roles and responsibilities is very crucial part of the team shaping exercise because it will outline a clear sense of belonging and responsibilities to the team . Also, the working agreement will also help remote and hybrid workers to align and work as a team.