I was inspired to try the Health Monitor play with a couple of years ago when a hard copy kit for this play arrived in the office after Summit 2018.
The kit included the list of 8 attributes for 3 different team types and six sets of rating cards. We used the Health Monitor Confluence template to record our meetings.
My experience focuses on the Service Team Health Monitor with the attributes: team leadership, balanced team, service mandate, service levels, customer centricity, tools and processes, effective partnerships, and reporting and analytics.
The target was an support team who knew things could be better but struggled to articulate what was wrong or to suggest (and implement) improvements that were within their ability to make. My role was there as a facilitator and an advocate for change in the wider company.
The first meeting was held to set the scene. I talked through the Health Monitor play and showed them the resources we had. The team decided to start with weekly meetings and use the rating cards periodically to track progress.
The feedback and action items (by week) looked something like this:
Sadly, there was no week 10 meeting and this inspection activity came to a halt due to lack of time, team changes, and increased workloads.
Despite this, there were long-lasting improvements as a result of this series of meetings. The team was able to see the effects of incremental changes and leant more about identifying areas of improvement and prioritising actions.
Have you tried this play? Will you try it now reading about this experience?
Kat Warner
Project Coordinator
Wellington, New Zealand
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