Hi, I used to love this tool but after a few months break from development, it is not crashing all the time. It opens ok but as soon as I try to do anything (simple pull or push) it crashes immidie...
Hello - I am trying to add a new remote for one of my repositories. I click New Remote, enter a Remote name, select the URL/Path from the list (after clicking the world icon) and click OK. The remo...
Is there a version of sourcetree for Mac 10.5? Thanks in advance
I'm getting an error: fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'svn' When I type in my source path svn://my_user_name@domain.com/Folder_Name (with my personal details of course), it gives an e...
Hi Steve, I've send a pull request via Bitbucket to you: https://bitbucket.org/sinbad/hgattic/pull-request/1/respect-user-patch-eol-settings It will resolve hgAttic patch eol issue. Please revi...
Is there support for launchpad or in the future any support for it? I've recently installed sourcetree for the git projects I'm going to move to this computer, but I have at least one project on laun...
I observe that when I "Create a patch", the dialog creates the patch that is "to" the commit I selected "from" it's predecessor. In the dialog, I can tantalisingly select two separate commits and...
I'd like to not show git tags unreachable from other refs in SourceTree's log view (i.e. it should show the equivalent of (git log --oneline --graph --decorate --branches [--remotes] HEAD)). Is this...
The log messages produced by hg flow are inconsistent and rather unpleasant in some cases. For example: flow: Merged <feature> 'my-sample-feature' to <develop> ('develop'). flow: ...
Hi, I would like to change the default value in Pull / Pull From Repository. Mine always defaults to 'remotes' and I want 'origin'. I actually can't even do anything when 'remotes' is selected (The...
Hi, I'm keen to track what changes happened to a file at what point. Not changes since the last commit, but all of the changes made to that file since it was created. I can't find anything in the ...
Hi, I used to click on github "Clone in Mac" button to open SourceTree. In this way I saw automatically the window to add a repository with Source Path already filled. I've removed my account on gi...
I installed a git extension named git-ftp. I want to use this extension everytime i make a pull from a remote repo to push the changes to a remote FTP Server where my private staging webspace is, s...
amend option for hg commit is introduced in Mercurial 2.2. The --amend flag can be used to amend the parent of the working directory with a new commit that contains the changes in the parent ...
Will SourceTree updates be available on the apple mac app store? The appstore version is now 1.4.4 (updated on Jun 15, 2012) The direct download version is 1.5.3
I am trying to connect to a local (vpn) network svn repository and update a local git branch with updates. SVN server is local (vpn) sourcetree is on Mountain Lion I have version 4 and created...
Hi Author, Mercurial 2.1 introduce an important new feature called Mercurial Phase to prevent common mistakes when modifying history (for instance, with the mq or rebase extensions) Is there any...
I am trying to add a GIT remote repository (clone it) using SourceTree in command line I would use git clone git@repos.xxx.com:bbbb to clone the bbbb repository from my company's GIT server I...
In my history view, when I look at some .htm files of my (e.g.) initial commit, they show up in the right pane as binary files, with some buttons "Preview 'After'", "Open 'Before'" (which is grayed o...
In latest SourceTree (1.5.3) I'm trying to Add a Repository using a git:// url (like git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git) and it doesn't work. I have to find an http(s) url (which doesn't always exist...
Hi Author, I have a custom action that call Tortiesehg Patch Reject File Editor since SourceTree currently doesn't provide this feature. I wrote a script like this: #!/bin/bash source ~/.bash_...
Hi, I have an Xcode project where I added the library RestKit as a sub-directory of my project. The issue I'm seeing is that SourceTree will not recongize the new directory at all in my working copy....
Hi Author, Since right now SourceTree doesn't support Mercurial Queue, I have to use them via Terminal. But I found SourceTree has a Cutom Actions feature that allow me call external commands. ...
I have problem with Kaleidoscope(1.1.6) as diff tool for Mercurial. When I select a file and then click External Diff, everything is okay. However if choose mulitple files, then click External Di...
Hello, I have installed SourceTree on Mountain Lion, once over the AppStore and once as direct download. The App always starts without any problems but I cannot get a connection to a svn server. I ...
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