LFS not working

Mahesh Khambadkone
July 4, 2019

We have a developer working with us on a project https://bitbucket.org/games2win/fashion3d_jared/admin, where we're using bitbucket with LFS.

(we've got multiple other projects which are working just fine).


When he commits to bitbucket, we dont see any files in LFS in our Settings screen.

When I clone the project, we see errors in the logs (stream below).

In Sourctree, I see all files that should have been on LFS, appearing as Modified in Sourcetree. Running a git diff returns :-

diff --git a/Assets/External/Demigiant/DOTween/DOTween.dll b/Assets/External/Demigiant/DOTween/DOTween.dll
index c3b8f8e..e69de29 100644
--- a/Assets/External/Demigiant/DOTween/DOTween.dll
+++ b/Assets/External/Demigiant/DOTween/DOTween.dll
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:870e1916f3e74e5d5fc2517b29d807347057168ec206db87e0985f696f70d2cf
-size 155648


Here's the error in Sourctree after cloning :

git -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.required=false --no-optional-locks -c color.branch=false -c color.diff=false -c color.status=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree clone --branch master git@bitbucket.org:games2win/fashion3d_jared.git /Users/mahesh/Projects/fashion3d_jared
Cloning into '/Users/mahesh/Projects/fashion3d_jared'...
warning: templates not found in /usr/local/git/share/git-core/templates
Downloading Assets/External/Demigiant/DOTween/DOTween.dll (156 KB)
Error downloading object: Assets/External/Demigiant/DOTween/DOTween.dll (870e191): Smudge error: Error downloading Assets/External/Demigiant/DOTween/DOTween.dll (870e1916f3e74e5d5fc2517b29d807347057168ec206db87e0985f696f70d2cf): [870e1916f3e74e5d5fc2517b29d807347057168ec206db87e0985f696f70d2cf] Object does not exist on the server: [404] Object does not exist on the server

Errors logged to /Users/mahesh/Projects/fashion3d_jared/.git/lfs/logs/20190704T235531.593471.log
Use git lfs logs last to view the log.
error: external filter 'git-lfs filter-process' failed
Completed successfully


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 16, 2019

Hi @Mahesh Khambadkone,

Do others users see this issue as well? Typically this means someone pushed the LFS reference (in a regular commit) but did not push the LFS source file (should be done automatically by Sourcetree and others) I recommend verifying the source file is at the expected URL and we can continue debugging further after that.

Brian Ganninger
Principal Developer, Sourcetree

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