Yes, we're all upset, but we have to move on from this. Best way to do it? Put a funny spin to it.
So, what were you doing when you found out about the cancellation and use a meme to express your reaction :P
I was with my boss, discussing if Summit will happen over coffee. The minute she walked towards her car and I walked into the lift for my office — I received the most dreaded email of the year from Anthony ;)
Here's the meme of my reaction:
In front of my team:
Now your turn :D
Wednesday nights is my wife's night out. So I happen to be giving our son a bath when I saw the news on my phone... I may or may not have looked like this after he went to bed.
@Jimmy Seddon Hahahahah
I was really looking forward to meeting with you and thank you in-person for the warm welcome to the community. You've been such a fantastic support :)
@Poorvi Jhawar one of these days it will happen!
I like your positive attitude @Poorvi Jhawar . :)
I was filming a Jira administration course, where one of my recommendations was that admins should attend Summit!
Thanks @Rachel Wright it's one of the virtues of being a marketer :P
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
I was like ....
and then I was like ....
Was rough for me - like...
@John D Patton this thread is positive vibes only :P
I know the pain (a lot of people do), I had a holiday planned too around the same dates. :)
Hence the smiling Gene!
I guess Jack above was more positive?
I'm very sad I won't get to see everyone! but I'm happy everyone is going to get together online - very cool!
Hyperventilated for five minutes, thankfully recovered most of the money that I spent already for reservations and invested i immediately into a private viewing party. (Stay tuned, there will be video :-) )
You got your money back? I lost it all 🙈
Looking forward to the video :)
Was literally on slack with Mark Livingstone planning the Summit road trip, when he slacked uh oh.... We cancelled the road trip in the next few hours, but plan on reviving it for 2021!!!
This sounds like a fun road trip! Any chance some fun kiwis could be u cited next year 😉
Still in a state of shock but there are a few people who cant get their flights and hotels cancelled so I heard they are making it to Vegas anyway and meeting unofficially.
I was sad that I wasn't going to be able to go to Summit this year because of some stuff happening at home. I was using Slack when I found out that is wasn't happening which satiated my FOMO a bit, but then I felt sad for all the rest who were planning on going. I'm glad the virtual summit was set up.