Hello everyone,
I am Andy Hurley, an Atlassian specialist at the MoJ. I have been working with Atlassian tools for several years and as an administrator for 2 years.
I have worked at the MoJ in various London offices since April 2017 where I administer JIRA Software and Confluence for currently 1350 users. I oversaw a move from cloud to datacentre a year ago and am now pushing to move our datacente to a fully managed hosting arrangement as our in-house ops resources are struggling to support the Atlassian tools (and it seems, it would be cheaper for the MoJ).
Since moving to datacentre I have been dabbling with scriptrunner to improve aspects of many teams workflows as well as a sprinkling of very basic user macros in Confluence.
Unfortunately I won't be heading to Barcelona but I do try to attend most London AUGs where I hope to meet many of you.