Facing 429 error after integrating Whatsapp and Jira Service Management

Chetan Krishna Sai Naidu/Jira-Admin December 11, 2023

Facing 429 error after integrating Whatsapp and Jira Service Management.


We have integrated Jira Service Management & whatsapp using the REST API functionality available in JIRA. It is successfully integrated & after one month of our launch on the production activity, we are facing 429 error for some type of requests we are raising.  Error mentioned as below

Error :

b'<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8">

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<span class="error-type"></span><h1>Something went wrong</h1><p>Try reloading the page, then check our <a href="https://status.atlassian.com">

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so we can help you out.</p><p>If you create a request, include the following so we can help you as fast as possible:</p><ul>

<li>Error type: <strong>429 - Too many requests</strong></li><li>Log reference: <strong>6ddc5293-63f5-44ef-a2bb-70fd05db576a</strong></li></ul></div></section>

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When reached out to Atlassian team for the same, They mentioned that it is happening due to rate limit issue for a particular user.


Can anyone please suggest on how to resolve this as at present it is impacting my production environment.


Thank you in advance.

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