Edit on 5 December 2024: This post is now outdated. We recommend you do the following instead: Read the roadmapping section of the Atlassian Product Discovery handbook Watch this ...
Recently a product manager asked for features to be able to have insights from internal stakeholders count for less than insights coming from customers. First of all (turns back to check if any sta...
Hi everyone, I don't think I need to introduce the concept since a lot of you have been asking for it for a long while. Basically you can now create monthly/quarterly roadmaps in Jira Product Disco...
Hi everyone, We often get the question "how do I best link my ideas to Jira Product Discovery to documents in Confluence (specs, one-pagers, designs)?" A little known feature of Jira Produc...
Hi everyone, It's been a while since we shared one of these updates - as you'll be able to see in this demo, we've been busy! I apologize in advance for the length of the video (14 minutes) but I did...
Hi everyone, Who here uses Atlas? https://www.atlassian.com/software/atlas We are exploring ways to improve how you manage goals/OKR in Jira Product Discovery, as well as status communicatio...
...ou think about this new experience, we are looking for your feedback, comments, and questions below before making it publicly available 🚀 ! Cheers, Hermance
Hi everyone 👋 Here's a quick update (well, 6 minutes, kinda quick) about what we've shipped lately and the problem areas we're currently focusing on for our discovery (the discovery for the discov...
Hi everyone! We talk to product managers using Jira Product Discovery all the time, and receive feedback constantly about the product, it's awesome and we love it. It's a huge source of inspi...
Edit on 14 July: the feature's now out for everyone! No need to request access anymore. Thank you to all early testers 🙏 Hi everyone, Do you want to standardize how people define ...
...one ✅ View the rule in our public library Detail of the rule: Single project automation in a software project When: Issue transitionned > To Status > Done B...
Hello everyone 👋🏽 I am Hermance, a new member of the Jira Product Discovery team! I’ll be joining the team as a product manager, alongside Sarah and Tanguy. I’ve been working at Atlassian for t...
Hi everyone! We're currently working on improving the list view, and were discussing something like this. We understand that's a leading question, and also vague, BUT: is that something you'd...
Hi everyone! This is going to be a bit different to my usual posts which are product updates about Jira Product Discovery :) I often talk to teams working on early stage ideas in big com...
Hi everyone, A few of you asked for the option to clone an idea, so we've just shipped that. The main scenario you described was that as you gather more insights into an idea, you're ...
Hi everyone, Believe it or not but most of us in the Jira Product Discovery team have never met in person after all this time (crazy huh?). We work from 7 countries, 100% remote, mostly asynchronou...
Hi everyone! I'm María, Content Designer for Jira Product Discovery. I'd like to share great news: today, the product officially entered public beta, meaning that you don't need to join a w...
Hey everyone 👋 We are excited to announce the following updates to the Matrix view: Drag and drop bubbles! ✅ Improved styling for grouped bubbles when size is applied!&nbs...
Hi everyone, We've iterated a lot on the idea view, list view and board view lately - these features are highly used, and you had a lot of feedback for us on them! Here's a quick summary for what...
Hi everyone, It's been a while since the last product update! We've experimented with a lot of things during the alpha which we are now cleaning up during the beta - in particular the featu...
Hey everyone 👋 If you have been in the matrix view the last couple of days you may have seen a new option appear in the view configuration... We are excited to ship "Size" 📏 Sizes apply a ...
Hi everyone! Today we're announcing for the first time features that are specifically designed for power users of Jira Product Discovery: advanced sorting options. You can use this to: Experime...
Are you struggling to prioritize ideas? With the new matrix view, you’ll gain clarity fast by visually comparing combinations of scorings, such as comparing the value an idea brings against the effor...
Hi all, First off, the changes we did in November are bearing fruits already, resulting in a 2 month streak with no incidents. Yay! However, Jira Product Discovery was down for 6.5 hours on...
Hi everyone, Most of the team is going to be out until the 3rd of Jan, so answers in the community are likely to be delayed until then. We want to wish you all happy holidays, and sen...