The Jira Product Discovery team is hitting the road in the next few months to hear from our customers about the challenges and pain points they face and show product managers how Jira Product Discove...
...n your timeline views with time markers! Time markers on timeline views let you mark with a colored losange a moment not to miss. Your annual conference, your email campaign, or your private and public...
We've started an EAP for the new integration with Jira Plans Many of you asked us how to use Jira Product Discovery alongside Jira Plans. We've been working on an integration that brings these two ...
Currently when a Jira delivery is created, only the JPD idea’s Summary and Description are copied to the delivery out-of-the-box. This Article provides different automation rules to ...
Hello Community! As a part of our ongoing improvements in fields management, we are thrilled to introduce a new requested feature. Project admins now have the power to hide system fields in order ...
Hi everyone! We are pleased to announce that we released some enhancements to capabilities in JPD to make them more comfortable in your day-to-day use of JPD. These are the following:...
...n. The same was true here. The plus side was that JPD projects are team-managed and it’s really easy to create new fields without cluttering your admin section and configs. After a few days of p...
Hi everyone 👋🏽 We are currently developing a content library to help you improve your product practices in and around Jira Product Discovery (JPD). This will be in the form on an online handboo...
You have a prioritised roadmap. Now what? What are the next steps for this work to get from discovery to delivery? What problems or challenges do you run into as you go from discovery to delivery...
Hello community! We’re thrilled to announce two new features that will make it easier to manage fields in Jira Product Discovery: Global fields that can be used across discovery projects and a bran...
Hi, I’m Jet, a product manager on Atlassian’s Growth team! Several months ago, my team started adopting “continuous discovery” best practices, and we’re already seeing amazing results! In this articl...
In this article, we want to share some best practices around how to infuse day-to-day product decisions with customer feedback. We do this by sharing our own experience and examples of how we operate... Yu and myself are looking for customers to understand pains and needs on making JPD views public! Today, with view publishing, that GA'd end of March, you have the following options on a JPD v...
Hello JPD community! I hope this message finds you well! I'm Jet, a product manager at Atlassian, and I'm reaching out to connect with customers who are using both Jira Software and Jira Product ...
Thank you to everyone who participated in our webinar "How to connect discovery and delivery in Jira"! For those of you who were unable to attend, you can now watch the recording on demand here:...
Hi everyone 👋🏽 After the success of our pilot where we got into how the Jira Product Discovery (JPD) team crafts a strategy, we’re back with a new livestream this time focused on roadmapping. ...
In the Jira Product Discovery team, we are committed to helping product teams unlock new ways of working that make them more successful. In this context, we're always striving to learn from you and...
We're thrilled to introduce the early access program for an enhanced timeline view in Jira Product Discovery! Our team has been hard at work on several improvements to the timeline view: Incr...
In this third and last part of this article about working with lighthouse users, we will be focusing on what collaboration looks like with lighthouse users using a real example. These are the...
Hi everyone! When it comes to communicating your strategy with those outside of your team, it often means a lot of time spent creating and updating decks, having Slack conversations, and sharing sp...
This article is the second instalment of a what will hopefully be a content collection aimed at sharing the product management practices that have enabled Atlassian to be a category leader. In this...
This article is the first instalment of a what will hopefully be a content collection aimed at sharing the product management practices that have enabled Atlassian to be a category leader. This fir...
*If you're interested in hearing more about this topic, sign up for my webinar "How to connect discovery and delivery in Jira" here:
Hi community! If you’ve created more than one discovery project, then you’ve likely also spent a lot of time deleting sample data. Well, we’ve heard you loud and clear - you want to get start...
When: Thursday Feb. 29th 5pm CET Where: LinkedIn Live Hi everyone 👋🏽 I’m Axel and I recently joined the Jira Product Discovery (JPD) team as a Product Management Evangelist (expect t...