Hi all,
I learn something new every day. A user was asking if it was possible to import options for a select/multi-select field (they use it to tag customers on ideas) and I thought it wasn't possible.
But it turns out I was mistaken! I came across this article: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-bulk-add-options-to-custom-fields-via-external-system-import-1115662994.html
I tried it and it works in Jira Product Discovery projects as well.
First things first: You'll need the BULK_EDIT global Jira permission to do this. If you have the Jira Administration Product admin role as per below, you will have these permissions out of the box.
Now we're ready to begin:
Hit refresh on your JPD project and Voila! Here's a demo on Loom. You can remove the ideas you created and the field and its values will still be available to use.
Tanguy Crusson
Product @ Atlassian
Nice, France
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