Change the 'Review by <username>' worklog description of a Crucible review in Jira

Tamas Csabina June 2, 2020

Topic quite explains the question:


Is there a way to change the 'Review by <username>' worklog description of a Jira ticket? This is generated when a user finishes a Crucible review that is connected to a Jira ticket.

We are using Crucible/Fisheye 4.6.0.






1 answer

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Tamas Csabina June 2, 2020

I tried editing \fecru-4.6.0\content\static\pcgwlk\2static\script\cru\review\submit-time.js to

var defaultComment = function () {
return "Code review by " + review.getLoggedInUser().displayName;

Restart the Crucible server, but does not change the description...

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